
She Yelled At Her Sister During Her Birthday Party For Stealing The Attention Away From Her Yet Again

VikaNorm - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 17-year-old girl recently had a birthday party with all of her friends and family. She is the youngest in her family, so it was really nice to see all of her relatives come out to celebrate with her. Her older sister, Flora, is 24, and due to their seven-year age game, the two have never had a super close relationship.

“When she hit her teenage years, she didn’t even want to be seen with me since it was embarrassing to have a younger sister,” she explained.

She was her parents’ surprise baby, while Flora was planned and is still their golden child to this day. Flora knows this and has a tendency to be self-centered and wants all of the attention. Especially at her birthday parties, her sister always found a way to put the spotlight on herself.

“When it was my 14th birthday, Flora faked a panic attack, causing my parents to shift their focus on her. I never had a birthday to myself,” she said.

Not wanting the behavior to repeat itself this year, she begged her parents not to invite Flora to her birthday party. However, her parents insisted that Flora was more mature now and proceeded to ask her to come.

On the day of the party, Flora waltzed in a big, flowy dress, instantly drawing everyone’s attention. But the thing that caught her by surprise was the fact that Flora, a usual partier, wasn’t drinking any alcohol.

When it was time for her to receive birthday presents from everyone, Flora handed her a gift bag. From inside, she pulled out a t-shirt that had “World’s Best Aunt” written on the front!

Everyone at the party was shocked, and while her mother was happy and excited, she ended up losing control of her emotions and began to cry. However, Flora could tell that this was not a happy cry!

People at the party began to notice her negative reaction, and her mother begged her to be happy for Flora and stop thinking about herself. But she just couldn’t take it anymore.

VikaNorm – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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