He And His Wife Just Moved Their Daughter Into Her College Apartment, But She Was Taking Too Long Decorating With His Wife, So He Told Her To Quit Being Needy

ID 22599700 - © Tyler Olson - Dreamstime.com -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
ID 22599700 - © Tyler Olson - Dreamstime.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 55-year-old guy and his 51-year-old wife have been married for 29 long years. They have a daughter who is 19, and they just moved her into her college apartment.

The day before their daughter’s move-in day, his wife had already gotten the majority of their daughter’s things moved into the apartment.

The following day, he and his wife spent time just putting the finishing touches on the move-in process.

“Upon arrival, we moved the boxes into her apartment,” he explained. “After we took all of her things in, I figured we were done.”

“My wife informed me that she was going to help our daughter unpack and get settled in. I asked how long it would take, and she told me about an hour.”

“I waited in the living room as my wife and daughter unpacked. After an hour, I went in to see how much longer they would be, and my wife was busy helping our daughter decorate.”

He says he was polite as he stated that their daughter did not need any help decorating since she had a whole day to do that on her own before her classes began.

His wife replied that she was going to keep helping their daughter decorate the apartment, and considering the fact that they had no other plans for the day, he shouldn’t be in such a rush.

He thinks his wife does tend to do too much for their children, but because they are technically adults, they are capable of fending for themselves.

ID 22599700 – © Tyler Olson – Dreamstime.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

The decorating debacle was one of those times he thought their daughter would be fine on her own and did not need his wife’s help.

“When it was time to leave, we drove our daughter to the music building because she had an audition for vocal ensemble,” he said.

“My wife got teary-eyed and gave her a hug goodbye. I got out of the car and told my daughter that I didn’t mean to offend her, but what if something happened to either of her parents?”

“What would she do? She needed to stop being so needy. My daughter got mad and said I ruined everything. My wife yelled at me and said that she wished I hadn’t even come. I walked away.”

When he got back in the car, he and his wife drove home together and did not exchange a single word.

He’s left wondering if it was mean of him to tell his daughter to quit being needy.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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