He Discovered His Girlfriend Has Been Talking To Guys On A Dating App, And It Crushed Him To See Her Say Things Like She Wants To Cuddle Or Mess Around With Them

fizkes - stock.adobe.com-  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
fizkes - stock.adobe.com- illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man has been dating his girlfriend for five years. They live in an apartment together with her brother. Their relationship is serious, and they are deeply in love with each other. However, trouble has now arisen to break them apart.

His girlfriend doesn’t currently have any friends to hang out with, so she has been using the Bumble app to make friends with women and have conversations with them.

He’s seen the chats she’s had on the app, and she has ended up meeting a few women in person, and it’s led to her developing some new friendships.

He works about 45 hours a week in a grocery store as a manager, and she works 40 hours a week, so they both have pretty busy schedules and have to make an effort to spend quality time together.

“Last night, I noticed she wasn’t watching TV with me like she normally did and was instead texting on her phone profusely,” he said.

“I assumed it was friends or whatever, but I was skeptical. Later at night, when she went to sleep, I opened her phone and saw the last app used was Bumble, where she was talking to a GUY and was saying things like, ‘Oh, you sound like a bad boy; I like that ;)’ and also ‘I want to cuddle under the sun.’ Apparently, the guy has a motorcycle, and she said she wanted to go for a ride.”

“It was a very flirtatious convo with a guy on Bumble. Then I see another conversation with a guy that says she is ‘just trying to mess around and find out <3’ and said she wanted to go grab a drink but says she is too drunk to drive.”

He took photos of the conversations and of the men she had matched with to keep on his phone as evidence, and this morning, he confronted her when she was about to leave the apartment for work.

I asked her if she was still only talking to women on Bumble, and she said yes and nodded.

fizkes – stock.adobe.com- illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It was then that he asked her about the first guy she’d seen her having a conversation with on Bumble.

She had a surprised look on her face, but at first, she lied and said she hadn’t been talking to any men on the app.

He told her to open Bumble on her phone so that he could see. At this point, her brother, who’d been asleep in his room, heard the commotion and came out to see what was going on.

“She then went on to delete the conversations on Bumble immediately, either out of embarrassment or assuming that her brother couldn’t see them and see where I was coming from,” he explained.

“Fortunately, I at least got photos of one of the guys she was talking with. She said they had only been speaking for a few days, and that is what the text history showed, but still. She also said she was ‘just kidding, messing around’ about the flirtatious texts.”

After that, she told him that she was “lonely,” but this was the first time he’d ever heard her say this. Understandably, he was upset that instead of telling him how she was feeling, she went behind his back to talk to other men on a dating app. She claimed that she had never met any of the men she talked to in person.

He and his girlfriend are physical about once a week, and she doesn’t normally feel like being close to him more often than that. So, it naturally doesn’t make sense to him that she’s flirting with other men.

“Frankly, I feel so hurt and betrayed I don’t even have words. I’m basically at the point where I want to call it quits,” he shared.

Throughout their relationship, he has worked really hard so that he can afford to buy things for their apartment.

On dates, he always pays for her, and he sometimes cooks dinner for her even after he’s worked for 10 or 11 hours that day. In his opinion, he has always been the one putting in the most effort.

He’s still stunned by his girlfriend’s actions. Knowing that she was flirting with other men has crushed him.

Once he and his girlfriend finished their conversation about the situation, they obviously needed some time away from each other to cool down, so his girlfriend called out of work, and then she and her brother left the apartment to go get breakfast.

While they were gone, he started packing to move out. He was waiting for his apartment complex’s office to open. Once it does, he’s going to go talk to management about his lease.

Do you think he’s right to break up with his girlfriend and move out after she flirted with other men on Bumble?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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