She Met A Guy On A Dating App Who Said He Loved Her And Wanted To Get Married To Her Before Even Meeting Her In Real Life

nenetus -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
nenetus - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

A couple of weeks ago, this 28-year-old woman met a man, also 28, on a dating app.

Right away, they hit it off. After they matched on the app, they talked for 24 hours straight to find out more about each other.

“We talked about what we wanted out of a relationship (long-term, marriage, etc.). He seemed like a very nice, down-to-earth guy, and our views aligned for the most part,” she said.

Then, he repeatedly said over and over that he could picture them together, and he gushed about how he really liked her.

“At first, I thought it was kinda sweet, but still a little weird since we haven’t even met in real life. But I didn’t want to say anything as to not kill the vibe or hurt his feelings,” she explained.

She asked if he wanted to get coffee together, and he responded by saying that he preferred to talk for a while longer before meeting in person.

While she understood his perspective, she thought it was a bit odd that he wanted to wait to meet, yet he was so upfront about how he felt for her.

“He then proceeded to tell me that he felt the sudden urge to tell me something, so I said, ‘Call me; we’ll talk about it.’ He refused to call or send a voice memo or even snaps of himself,” she shared.

“But still, I gave him the benefit of the doubt, thinking he might be insecure. Anyways. Then he writes, ‘I love you. I’m sure of it. I’m in love with you, and I want us to get married.'”

nenetus – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“I was kind of confused and didn’t know what to say, so I said, ‘Are you sure? This is kind of fast.'” He kept insisting and saying it over and over.”

For an entire week, he repeatedly told her he loved her and wanted to marry her, and she finally reached her breaking point.

She knew she didn’t feel comfortable with his behavior and didn’t like him. She didn’t know what to say to him, and she felt so stressed out by the situation that she just stopped talking to him completely.

Do you think she was right to stop talking to him after he kept love-bombing her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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