He Dumped His Girlfriend Because He Proposed To Her Twice, And Each Time She Said No

ID 142524404 - © Piman Khrutmuang - Dreamstime.com -  illustrative purposes only
ID 142524404 - © Piman Khrutmuang - Dreamstime.com - illustrative purposes only

This 29-year-old man and his girlfriend, Sierra, also 29, have been in a relationship for the past four years.

He has always deeply loved Sierra, and over time, he knew that, without a doubt, she was the one he wanted to be with for the rest of his life. He even felt like she was his “soulmate.”

After two years of dating, he already wanted to propose, but he decided to wait another year because he wanted to be more financially stable first.

Throughout their relationship, he and his girlfriend talked about marriage, and he made sure to see what her thoughts were before he went through with proposing to her. She seemed excited about getting married and told him that she couldn’t imagine herself being with anyone but him.

“Last year, I proposed. It was a private proposal on the beach where we went on our first date. She looked at me and said, ‘I want to marry you, but not right now.’ She said she wasn’t in the right space personally to get engaged and to give her some time. That stung, but I was okay with it. After all, I put off proposing so I could be in a good position. It’s only fair I give her that chance,” he said.

After his girlfriend rejected his first marriage proposal, he waited another year to give her the time she requested.

Then, he started planning his second proposal. To make sure it was perfect and even better than the first time, he decided to get his girlfriend’s friends’ input so that he felt more confident. They helped him plan a fancy dinner and figure out the best place to propose: in front of a beautiful fountain at a botanical garden in their city.

And even though his girlfriend’s friends helped him with the planning process, the proposal was going to be just with him and his girlfriend, like the first proposal.

“Everything was ready, dinner went great, and we went to the fountain. She saw the roses and everything, and then I got down on one knee and asked her to marry me. She teared up and told me, ‘Not just yet,'” he shared.

ID 142524404 – © Piman Khrutmuang – Dreamstime.com – illustrative purposes only

Understandably, he was crushed. While he didn’t have any doubt about wanting to be with his girlfriend forever, she rejected his marriage proposal for a second time.

“I asked her why, and she told me the same thing as last year,” he explained. “I asked her if someone was holding her back, maybe family or friends, and she just said, ‘I just want to make sure that this will work.’ This hurt me more than the two rejections.”

“I told her if after four years she isn’t sure, then what the heck will make her sure? She asked me to give her time, and I told her no.”

“I told her that I was not going to keep wasting my time and love if she was going to keep saying no. I told her that I couldn’t do this anymore. She began begging me not to leave and said, ‘Fine, I’ll marry you; just please don’t go.’ That made me mad, but I didn’t say anything. I left.”

Since the failed second proposal, his girlfriend’s parents, mutual friends, and his girlfriend have all been calling and texting him to say that he’s a jerk for breaking up with his girlfriend. They even called him “a big baby” for reacting the way he did after his girlfriend rejected his marriage proposal.

Also, they claimed that he was too harsh because she was just asking for more time before getting engaged. The rest of his and his girlfriend’s mutual friend group aren’t taking anyone’s side in the situation.

Do you think he was right for breaking up with his girlfriend after she rejected his second marriage proposal?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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