Her Reported His Daughter For Inappropriate Behavior After She Took A French Fry Off of His Plate While Serving Him At A Restaurant, And He Caused His Daughter To Lose Her Job

ID 63114197 - © Oleg Dudko - Dreamstime.com -  illustrative purposes only
ID 63114197 - © Oleg Dudko - Dreamstime.com - illustrative purposes only

This 47-year-old man was recently in a challenging situation with his 19-year-old daughter, Emma.

Just a few months ago, Emma decided to take his car out late at night without getting permission first. Then, she wound up crashing the vehicle, and he was understandably furious.

At the time, he believed Emma needed to find a way to face the consequences and take responsibility for the accident. So, he told his daughter that she needed to get a job in order to pay him back for the vehicle damage.

Emma took his advice, too, and decided to get a waitressing job at a local restaurant.

“But while I was initially proud of her for taking responsibility, things took a turn for the worse,” he revealed.

One day, he thought it would be a nice way to show his support for his daughter’s new job if he stopped by the restaurant for lunch. Plus, he thought it’d be good for them to bond over a meal.

Well, after Emma took his order, she later dropped off his plate of food as normal. Then, when she turned to walk away, she decided to playfully grab one french fry off of his plate.

“I was taken aback, and I felt that it was inappropriate behavior for a waitress, regardless of our personal relationship,” he explained.

“In my opinion, it’s important to treat all customers equally and professionally.”

ID 63114197 – © Oleg Dudko – Dreamstime.com – illustrative purposes only

That’s why he actually decided to privately approach his daughter’s restaurant manager and essentially report Emma. He detailed what happened and asked the manager to make Emma understand that taking any food from a customer’s plate, even if it’s playful, is not acceptable behavior.

“I didn’t want her to think she could treat customers differently just because she knew them,” he reasoned.

Well, it turned out that his daughter’s manager took his complaint extremely seriously– so seriously that he actually got Emma fired!

As you can probably imagine, his daughter is now beyond angry with him and has refused to talk to him ever since the incident. Emma just feels humiliated and betrayed, and she thinks that he totally overreacted and ruined her new job over something that was harmless.

Now, he claimed that he never intended for his daughter’s manager to escalate the situation so much. All he wanted was for Emma to learn about professionalism and how to treat all customers the same.

“However, I can’t help but feel guilty for potentially jeopardizing her job and causing such a strained relationship between us,” he vented.

So, he’s been left wondering whether getting his daughter fired really made him a jerk or if he did the right thing by reporting what he thought was “unprofessional behavior” to his daughter’s manager.

Do you think he did the right thing by speaking with his daughter’s manager? Or did he go too far? Is it true that all customers should always be treated equally, or is it natural for some people to get different treatment if a server has a personal relationship with them? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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