Her Sister Read Her Diary Out Loud At A Work Party, So She Kicked Her Sister And Her Sister’s Kids Out of Her House

H_Ko - stock.adobe.com-  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
H_Ko - stock.adobe.com- illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 32-year-old woman has an older sister, 47, who is a difficult person to get along with because she can be somewhat cruel at times.

Unfortunately, her parents didn’t correct her sister’s poor behavior, and her other family members, mostly her mother, placated her sister for many years. Her mother always found ways to minimize her sister’s actions, even the most heinous.

Yesterday, though, her sister’s antics were worse than she’d ever experienced before.

Not long ago, her sister separated from her husband because of her terrible behavior. Her sister has five children: two daughters, 3 and 11, and three sons, 5, 8, and 13. Her mother badgered her into letting her sister and all of her children stay at her house.

She has four other siblings: two sisters, 25 and 37, and two brothers, 30 and 43. Evidently, all of them said they wouldn’t allow their sister to stay with them, pointing out that they had families of their own they were responsible for. All her siblings also said that since she’s the only single one of their siblings, it made the most sense for their sister and her children to stay at her house.

“I agreed but told her that no matter what happened in the past, I wouldn’t put up with her behavior anymore. This is my newly bought house, and I expected them all to behave and follow house rules. No sneaking around and going through cupboards and no taking food that is labeled (I meal prep for work), no reading diaries (she had done this on several occasions when we lived together as children and when we house-shared), or going on my devices without prior permission (a laptop is available for guest use). No ‘borrowing’ my clothes,” she said.

In the month that her sister and her children stayed at her house, none of the rules she’d laid out were followed.

“When confronted, her go-to answer is, ‘So what? It’s only a diary/dress/some food; you can make more,’ and so on. Her children have also broken a few of my things. Every time, my mother has convinced me to make her stay due to her situation and that the children are just children,” she explained.

Yesterday, she threw a work party at her house. Normally, she doesn’t share much about her personal life at work. She keeps to herself and sticks to small talk. However, her team leader asked her to host a party at her house “in return for reimbursement.” So, she agreed.

H_Ko – stock.adobe.com- illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“Strike one was my sister coming down before the party and wearing the dress I had chosen for the party, but due to her being a size 12, she ripped it in the sides, as I am a size 8. I didn’t want to ruin the party, so I told her to stop it and put on a different dress,” she shared.

During the party, her sister talked with guests, telling them humiliating stories, many of which weren’t even true. Despite the tension, she tried to still enjoy the party.

Even though before the party, she had requested that her sister make sure her youngest child (her 3-year-old daughter) was asleep early, her sister allowed her daughter to stay awake and hang out in the room.

Then, her sister’s daughter got sick, on one of her managers. Luckily, her manager wasn’t upset, though, and just said, “‘She’s only a baby; these things happen.'”

Later, all of the guests sat down to dinner. At one point, her sister tapped on her champagne glass in order to get the entire table’s attention.

“She started reading out loud from my diary. Pages with things I haven’t shared with my closest friends, never mind coworkers,” she continued.

She only gave her sister a chance to read about half a page before she took her arm, dragged her to the door, and kicked her out of her house.

She then found each of her sister’s children and kicked them out, as well. After that, she found everything she could that belonged to her sister and threw all of it out of the window on the second floor.

With all this drama going on, her guests obviously made excuses so that they could leave.

After the chaos, her mother left her a nasty voicemail. When she kicked her sister and her children out of her house, they all went to her brother’s house. He was furious about this because he didn’t want them in his house, either.

Both her mother and brother want her to allow her sister and her children to eventually come back to stay at her house. Plus, her sister left ten angry messages, calling her “disrespectful.”

Understandably humiliated, she has taken a week off from work, and she can’t even begin to imagine going back after what her sister did in front of her managers and coworkers.

Do you think she was right to kick her sister and her sister’s children out of her house?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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