She Put A Drink Cover On Her Beverage During A First Date With A Guy At A Bar, But He Ripped It Off, And It Made Her Super Uncomfortable

ID 42961432 - © Bogdan Hoda - -  illustrative purposes only
ID 42961432 - © Bogdan Hoda - - illustrative purposes only

Navigating the dating scene as a woman can be really frightening– especially with the advent of dating apps.

First of all, it’s common for women to start talking to complete strangers whose profile pictures, ages, and other characteristics may be a total lie.

Not to mention, if you hit it off with a guy, the natural next step is to meet up with them for a first date. Even then, no matter how well the conversations went online, it can be an intimidating gamble.

That’s why countless women have instituted different dating practices to keep themselves safe while hoping to meet their match.

Some have opted to share their location with friends and alert their loved ones that they are heading out with a new man; others have chosen to only meet up in public locations and take separate cars.

You may have also seen viral products on TikTok and other social media platforms, which allow people of all ages and genders to protect their drinks from getting tampered with when they’re out in social settings.

One young woman, who is currently in college, uses a similar product.

“I have a stretchy cloth drink cover that has a hole for the straw, but it’s designed to wear so someone can’t just drop things into your drink,” she explained.

Recently, a guy at her school also asked for her number and invited her out to get drinks for their first date.

ID 42961432 – © Bogdan Hoda – – illustrative purposes only

She agreed to go out with him, too, and they wound up visiting a bar that was pretty crowded.

“And I didn’t really know the guy that well, so I put it [the drink over] on,” she recalled.

At that point, she was shocked to realize that the guy kind of started making a big deal about it. Then, he even said, “Don’t you trust me?”

“I freaked out when he said that,” she revealed.

Afterward, the vibe between them felt pretty awkward, and she tried to point out how there were a ton of people she didn’t know at the bar. So, she claimed she would rather be safe than sorry.

Still, the guy apparently didn’t let it go, and after a while, he actually grabbed her cup and ripped the drink cover off!

This made her extremely uncomfortable. So, she decided to just pay for her drink, leave the bar, and protect herself.

Since the date went wrong, though, she has started to question her decision. And now, she’s been left wondering whether putting a drink cover on her cup during a first date with a guy was actually the wrong thing to do.

Do you agree that it was better to be safe than sorry? Why do you think the guy acted so weird when she was just trying to protect herself? Would that have made you feel uncomfortable, also? Did she do the right thing by heading home afterward?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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