His Wife Expects Him To Cover The Majority of Their Rent Even Though She Earns Double His Salary Because She Is In Loads of Debt

F8  Suport Ukraine - stock.adobe.com-  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
F8 \ Suport Ukraine - stock.adobe.com- illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man believes that he and his wife have a great marriage. They rarely get into big fights and really only bicker back and forth like most couples from time to time.

However, one situation has been really bugging him lately, and it has to do with their financial split.

For context, his wife is not the best money manager. She apparently buys things impulsively and now has a record of making various long-term financial decisions that were poor. So, she’s accumulated a decent amount of debt.

He admitted that some of that debt is tied to hospital bills, which he cannot blame his wife for.

“But the majority is things like a $500 monthly car payment on a Jeep she doesn’t ever drive, exercise equipment she doesn’t use, and subscriptions to services she doesn’t need or use, either,” he explained.

“Her credit score has suffered, and I have even had to finance things for her because she would have insane interest rates or not be able to get them at all without my help.”

Not to mention, his wife racked up all of this debt before they were even together. And now, he has been helping get her out of it.

He, on the other hand, is in the military. That’s why, in addition to his “minimal salary,” he also gets a housing stipend.

According to him, it is extremely common for people to just pocket the housing stipend money since the base salary is so low– especially in their current living area.

F8 \ Suport Ukraine – stock.adobe.com- illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Yet, his wife has insisted that he spends the majority of his housing stipend on rent instead of otherwise since he has a lower debt-to-income ratio than she does.

His main problem with this is that his wife actually earns twice his salary already.

“She just recently applied for a job where she will be making $30,000 more a year if accepted, but she still insists I keep paying double what she pays in rent so she can ‘get out of debt,'” he revealed.

His wife also claimed that once she got rid of her debt, they would go back to splitting the rent evenly again.

“But due to her past of poor financial decisions, I don’t see this happening,” he admitted.

So now, he has been left wondering whether expecting his wife to just split their rent evenly makes him a jerk or not.

Do you think it’s fair for him to cover the majority of the rent if his wife is making significantly more money than him? How would you feel if your partner expected that of you? How can he handle this situation? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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