She Constantly Pays For Everything For Her Friend, And She Isn’t Sure How To Set More Boundaries In Their Relationship

ID 130788423 - © Lopolo - -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
ID 130788423 - © Lopolo - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This 27-year-old woman has a friend who is 31. But, she doesn’t feel like their relationship is equal because she constantly pays for everything whenever she’s with her friend.

First of all, her friend doesn’t have a car or drive. So, whenever they hang out, she is forced to pick up her friend– who lives 20 minutes away– and drive them both wherever they are going.

Then, she always has to drop her friend off before she finally gets to go home herself.

“Usually, I don’t care if I have to pick her up. No issues there,” she clarified.

“But it’s when we plan longer, out-of-city trips.”

They have gone on two “major” trips together, with their first trip last year being 7 hours round-trip.

During that vacation, they stayed in a different state, and thankfully, parking fees were included in their hotel stay.

Nonetheless, her friend did not give her any gas money throughout the entire vacation– even though she mentioned how it would be nice if her friend helped out. After all, she has her own place and animals to pay for.

Then, this year, they decided to go out of town for the weekend on a five-hour trip. This time, parking was not included in their room fees.

ID 130788423 – © Lopolo – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

So, her friend offered to pay for half of their parking fees, but she just never got the money.

As for gas, she paid over $50 to fill up the car, which makes sense, given the long-distance trip. However, her friend didn’t bother pitching in.

“We also saw a piece of furniture for our friend who got a new place, and we agreed to split the cost,” she explained. “But when I asked about my friend’s half, she didn’t offer it up.”

Now, she is not normally the kind of person who would fight for a relationship– mainly because she believes she and her friend are at the age where they both understand they have expenses to pay. So, one person should never expect another to just pay their way.

To make matters worse, her friend also lives at home and, to her knowledge, does not pay any rent whatsoever. She, on the other hand, has her own place and pets– meaning she obviously has to pay bills every month.

“So I just don’t have the money to keep spending on someone who can’t respect that I have bills,” she vented.

So now, she is not sure how to approach her friend and ask for the money or set boundaries with her moving forward. Plus, she’s been wondering whether she should just stop making plans with her friend anymore.

Have you ever had a friend who consistently didn’t pay their way? How did you go about addressing the situation? Should she just be honest with her friend and set a boundary? What else could she do?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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