She’s Always Been Expected To Keep Her Twin Brother On Track In School And Make Sure He Doesn’t Fail, But For Their Senior Year, She’s Refusing To Hold His Hand Anymore

Natalia -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Natalia - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 17-year-old girl has a twin brother, and ever since middle school, she’s been expected to keep him on track in his studies.

Her brother reportedly really struggles whenever it comes to academic environments that offer stress (and deadlines). So, he winds up becoming apathetic as the school year drones on and is left with nearly failing grades.

By the end of every term, she’s watched the same cycle happen right before her eyes. Her brother’s grades typically range from Ds to Fs, and she has to step in to pick up the pieces– even if that means helping his average get just high enough to avoid failing.

She’s always done this, too, and it’s helped her twin brother never fail. Sure, he sometimes barely passes, but he has never missed a credit or been held back– which he would have been without her help.

Her help normally consisted of her dragging her brother into the dining room and having him sit down and work on assignments while she sat there as an accountability buddy.

“He would complain, yell, and just be rude the entire time,” she recalled.

Sometimes, she would also have to just log onto her brother’s school computer and complete his assignments for him. Then, even if he knew that she helped him out by completing his work, he would rarely acknowledge it.

Instead, her brother would just complain if any of her work on his assignments ever lost some points.

“But my parents, especially my mom, always told me this was just what my job was since I’m his sister,” she revealed.

Natalia – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“That I have to keep him on track and make sure he passes every time, even barely. It’s been expected of me for years.”

Now, though, both she and her brother are entering their senior year. After graduating high school, her brother plans to attend the police academy with hopes of becoming an officer.

She, on the other hand, wants to major in education. But, aside from her own school studies and extracurriculars, she also has some other serious stuff on her plate right now.

She is currently struggling with an eating disorder and she and her parents are in the process of getting her treatment.

So, with all of this going on, she felt forced to tell her parents that she would not be going out of her way to help her brother nearly as much anymore.

“In my mind, he needs to be able to hold himself accountable, especially in the real world,” she reasoned.

“And he can gradually learn that over the course of this year.”

Nonetheless, her mom did not understand her perspective at all and was actually just furious at her. Her mom claimed that she couldn’t simply abandon her “job” to keep her brother on track and said he would come around once he was older.

Her mom’s pushback has since made her feel a bit guilty, and she wanted to clarify that she doesn’t plan to give up completely on her brother.

She’s still happy to tutor him and be a study buddy when he needs it. However, she’s done dragging him into the dining room to complete his homework, or worse, doing his work by herself.

“But, I do see how this can look selfish, especially during the last year,” she vented.

So now, she’s been left wondering whether refusing to keep her brother on track in school anymore was really a jerky thing to do.

Do you think she should feel obligated to hold her brother’s hand anymore? Should that have ever been her job in the first place, or was it her parent’s responsibility? Did she do the right thing by trying to prioritize her own needs for a change? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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