
Her Boyfriend Admitted To Her That He Has Feeling For Her Best Friend

iordani - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This 27-year-old woman has a boyfriend named Ryan, who is the same age as her.  A couple of weeks back, Ryan admitted to her that he was feeling like they were sort of detached in terms of their relationship.

But then, he said he also has feelings for her best friend, Ashley. Now, she and Ryan have been spending a lot of time lately with Ashley.

Ashley and Ryan were close since they were kids, and she then met Ashely when she was in high school, where Ashley quickly became her best friend.

Ashley didn’t speak much to Ryan during high school since Ryan did not attend the same school that they did.

Ashley was then the one who introduced her to Ryan in their final year of high school, and she and Ryan were an instant hit.

They have been a couple ever since then, which means they have spent 9 years together at this point.

Earlier this year, she and Ryan moved in with one another for the first time, and they are now in the middle of purchasing their first home.

“A few weeks before the settlement date of our house, Ryan breaks down and says that he has been feeling disconnected in our relationship and that he feels there’s something missing,” she explained.

“So I asked him what he is missing in our relationship, and he mentions that he feels we don’t laugh enough or have banter. He expressed that he has noticed he has more laughs with Ashley and brought up having feelings for her.”

iordani – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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