
She Lied To Her Boyfriend About What Her Parents Do And The Fact That They’re Wealthy

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This 24-year-old girl says that her parents are very “down-to-earth,” but they are very wealthy. They have a family business that is quite successful, and they own several homes as well.

She and her siblings appear to have a pretty typical style of living, but they are set for life in terms of money.

The majority of the homes her parents own are completely paid for, and since she and her siblings all have great jobs, they’re looking at paying off the rest of the homes in a decade or so.

Back when she moved out of her mom and dad’s house, they told her that if she ever does meet a guy, she should not mention what they do for a living or talk about the number of homes they own.

Her mom and dad requested that she lie about what they do for work and say they have something like normal careers.

“While that sounded like unnecessary advice, I still took it after a bit of reflecting,” she explained.

“My ex-partner cheated on me, he made little money, and my father also employed him in our company. When it became clear that he cheated most of the relationship, my parents thought he likely was just about the money and how well my family always treated him (vacations, extra money jobs, etc..).”

“For me, I thought more of him as a narcissistic person, and I should have seen the red flags earlier, but [oh] well. Now, I started dating this guy I really like. I am a student now again, and he is already working, but we have been seeing each other for quite some time.”

During a specific conversation where she was discussing her house with her boyfriend, he wanted to know what her mom and dad do for a living.

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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