
She Agreed To Let A Guy Friend Drive Her Home After A Party, But He Started Driving In The Wrong Direction And Getting Pushy, And It Made Her Feel Really Unsettled

Photo 63050625 © Vadymvdrobot - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Last night, at 2 a.m., this woman was at a party and needed to go home after having a little too much fun.

At first, she planned to take an Uber, but a man who was a friend-of-a-friend said that he could give her a ride instead. She was unsure, but he convinced her to let him drive her home.

In the parking lot, they both got in his car, and he turned off the lights and told her that he wanted to sit for a little while first because he’d had a little too much fun at the party as well.

This immediately made her incredibly uncomfortable, and she said that she would just go wait for an Uber instead. However, he insisted that she shouldn’t do that.

“Things took a weird turn when he started driving in the wrong direction, assuming I was too intoxicated to notice. But I wasn’t, and I asked him to take the correct turns. He kept taking detours and turning off the GPS, but I managed to use my phone to navigate and get us back on track,” she explained.

Then, the man’s behavior escalated even further.

“He started praising me excessively, talking about how other girls in his life weren’t good, but I was different. He seemed to be pushing me into something more, even though I have a long-distance boyfriend,” she shared.

Understandably, he made her feel nervous and unsafe, so she told him to just take her to her house.

“After reaching home, I realized he left his ID card in my bag. Now, I want to return it to him, but given the weird behavior during the ride, I’m not sure how to do it safely. I don’t want to meet him alone again. The common friend has moved to another state,” she said.

Photo 63050625 © Vadymvdrobot – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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