
She’s A Young Mother And Wants To Leave With Her Infant Daughter Because Her Boyfriend Doesn’t Help Her Whatsoever And She Can’t Take It Anymore

The grass in the front lawn of the house they’re renting needs to be mowed.

When they moved in, their landlord told them that they were responsible for snow removal and mowing the lawn.

“They have been ignoring me for months about it, no matter how much I bring it up,” she said.

Because her boyfriend works so much and has a half-hour commute to work one way, he isn’t at the house too much.

Each morning, she wakes up with her daughter at about 6:30 a.m.

After that, she hangs out with her daughter’s room until her boyfriend wakes up to get ready for work. Usually, he gets out of bed at about 10 a.m. or 11 a.m., but sometimes he sleeps in until noon.

Her boyfriend leaves for work, and he comes home at about 8:30 p.m. or 9 p.m.

“We watch a show for about an hour, I go to sleep, and he stays up until 2 a.m. or 3 a.m. to ‘help me.’ He really stays up to play video games and watch YouTube, but he says he’s staying up so if the baby wakes up, I won’t have to get up with her and have some uninterrupted sleep,” she explained.

When her boyfriend has days off from work, he doesn’t do anything different.

While her boyfriend does take care of their daughter more on his days off, he only does so if she requests him to.

Also, he asks her silly questions and for help with the tasks that he should be able to figure out on his own, like changing diapers, changing the diaper genie, or doing housework.

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