
She’s Refusing To Add Her Boyfriend’s Son To Her Health Insurance Because Not Only Is It Expensive, But She Also Doesn’t Trust Her Boyfriend’s Ex

InsideCreativeHouse - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

For the past four years, this woman has been dating her boyfriend.

They have been living together for two years.

When she first met her boyfriend, he’d divorced his ex-wife two years prior.

Unfortunately, his ex struggles with her mental health, and because of this, her partners don’t stay together with her for long.

Throughout the course of their relationship, her boyfriend’s ex-wife has started a lot of drama, and it’s been difficult for them to cope with, but she and her boyfriend have stayed together through it all, which has angered his ex.

“She has refused to let me be a part of her 12-year-old son’s life. I am not allowed to speak to him, and she makes it clear that I can’t be involved,” she said.

Her boyfriend’s son doesn’t talk to her, and she doesn’t try to talk to him either because she doesn’t know if it would make him feel like he’s caught in the middle.

Plus, she wonders if her boyfriend’s son is worried that he’ll get in trouble with his mother if he talks to her.

She thought there was the possibility that his mother had said that she would question his devotion and love for her if he did talk to his father’s girlfriend.

InsideCreativeHouse – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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