
Her Best Friend Broke Her Heart By Not Asking Her To Be A Bridesmaid, So She Wants To Skip Out On Attending Her Wedding

At the family dinner they hosted on the evening before her wedding ceremony, she showed her best friend her wedding and engagement rings, and her best friend then asked if she could try them on.

As her best friend tried on her rings, she went on and on about what she wanted at her own wedding, and this happened right in front of her mom and in-laws.

It made her really uneasy that her best friend was trying to make everything all about her and her upcoming wedding.

When dinner was over, and they were headed back to their hotel together, her best friend decided to show her photos of her wedding dress.

“I swiped through the pictures and saw 2 girls I didn’t recognize holding a “we found the dress” sign with her,” she said.

“I, a little stunned, asked if they were her bridesmaids, to which she coyly replied, “Yes,” not elaborating further. The wedding was the next day, and it was wonderful. She wore a silver dress and a white jacket, which seemed odd as it’s known you shouldn’t wear white.”

“She took the spotlight in a part of the wedding where the next bride-to-be is chosen to catch the bouquet and gave her speech with glowing remarks about how close we are, how much she loved me, and how I was always the friend that offered her a safe space, etc.”

Now, her best friend’s wedding is coming up in three months, and her best friend still hasn’t sent out her invitations.

She is aware of the day and location, but that’s the only information that she has. She booked her flights so far, and let her best friend know about that.

Her best friend said thank you and that she was thrilled she could attend. She thought this would give her best friend an opportunity to share more details about the wedding, but that never happened.

She then asked her best friend for more information specifically on the bridal party, as she expected to be one of her bridesmaids.

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