Her Husband Had An Affair With Her Sister For Over A Year, So She’s Leaving Him And Has No Plans To See Her Sister Anytime Soon

Marius - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Marius - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 30-year-old woman recently made the devastating discovery that her 32-year-old husband and her younger sister, who’s 28, were having an affair.

The infidelity came to light after she found inappropriate texts and photos on her husband’s phone. The worst part? He’d been cheating on her with her sister for over a whole year.

She’s especially hurt that her sister would do this to her, as they were extremely close.

“We shared everything, from personal secrets to major life decisions,” she explained.

“My husband had been expressing dissatisfaction and feeling distant, but I never imagined it would lead to this.”

Once she found all of the evidence, she confronted her husband as well, and he didn’t even deny having an affair. He also tried to justify his actions by saying he had felt neglected and viewed the affair as an “escape.”

So, her husband keeps claiming he didn’t know how to talk to her about his needs and that cheating was merely a “momentary lapse in judgment.”

“His excuses sound hollow and insecure. How can I believe that this was just a lapse in judgment when he actively chose to betray me over such a long period?” she asked.

As for her sister, she received an apology from her. Yet, her sister told her that the affair was “never serious.” Rather, her sister described it as “just for fun” and stated it only happened two or three times.

Marius – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Honestly, though, her sister’s response made her more furious. She doesn’t believe that her husband and her sister were together a few times, and even if it happened once, she still wouldn’t be able to forgive them.

“The fact that my sister’s trying to downplay it as a ‘fun’ fling only adds insult to injury,” she said.

“How could she think it was acceptable to get involved with my husband? And how could they both trivialize such a serious betrayal?”

Anyway, her sister has since left town in order to give her some space. Despite that, she cannot imagine having a relationship with her again.

And quite frankly, she doesn’t want anything to do with her husband, either. The only thing she knows for sure is that she will be leaving him as he no longer deserves her commitment or trust. She also has no plans to see her sister anytime soon.

In hindsight, she realizes there were a bunch of red flags in her marriage before the infidelity was exposed.

“My husband was unusually secretive with his phone, had a drastic change in work hours, and seemed increasingly distant and emotionally unavailable,” she vented.

“I should have noticed these signs earlier, but I was blindsided by how quickly things escalated.”

Now, everything is finally out in the open, and while she’s set on divorcing her husband, she’s unsure if she should consider forgiving her sister in the future.

Would you ever be able to look at your sibling the same way if they slept with your spouse? Should she focus on healing from this first before thinking about forgiveness? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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