Her Husband Said She’s Not Pretty Enough To Cheat On Him

outdoors portrait of pretty woman wearing denim jacket.
spaxiax - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 34-year-old woman has a 30-year-old husband who is stunning. She thinks she is pretty, but she’s a “troll” in comparison to her husband.

She’s hardly model material, but she does her best. She has a great skincare routine and goes to the gym, which helps her attractiveness.

Her husband is so far out of her league that her own mom used to be suspicious of his faithfulness.  Whenever she is out and about with her husband, people are blown away by his good looks, and they can’t hide it.

“I’ve had women flirt with him right in front of me and have had two girls I know try to get with him behind my back,” she explained.

“Even I question why he’s with me sometimes. I’m insecure about it, but my husband has always said that he loved me and thought I was beautiful and to not listen to other people.”

Yesterday, she ran into one of her old college boyfriends, and they broke up amicably. She’s actually interested in looking for a new job, and her ex happens to be wildly successful, so they ended up exchanging LinkedIn profiles, along with a couple of messages.

Nothing about their interaction was improper, and if her husband had overheard them talking, there would be no reason for him to be alarmed.

When she arrived back at her house, her husband instantly picked a fight with her. He said he read her LinkedIn messages between her and her ex and was convinced her ex was hitting on her.

She maintained her ex did no such thing, and her husband proceeded to make fun of her ex for his looks. Honestly, what her husband said were some of the meanest words he’s ever spoken.

outdoors portrait of pretty woman wearing denim jacket.

spaxiax – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

She tried to get her husband to calm down and mentioned they could chat more when he was no longer so irate.

Then her husband snapped and said she’s not even attractive enough to ever cheat on him. She was left standing there speechless.

“He then slammed the door to our bedroom and locked me out for the night,” she said. “I went to sleep on the sofa and woke up tucked into bed.”

“I can vaguely remember him waking me up. Today, he was incredibly sweet and kissed me before going off to work. I can still remember the play-by-play of what happened, but it’s like my memory was outside of my body. I have literally never heard him say something like that. Ever.”

“I feel so upset and uncomfortable. What do I say to him? How do I just ask him what he was thinking and what possessed him to say the things he did and if he really meant them?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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