Her Husband’s A Stay-At-Home Dad And She’s Honestly Envious Of His Life

Cheerful young couple having fun with happy cute kid boy relaxing in modern house living room. Parents playing with funny toddler child son, bonding together spending time sitting on floor at home.
insta_photos - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This woman is a mom, and she’s also the breadwinner in her home. Her job requires her to work crazy hours and travel a ton, and it also comes along with a mountain of stress.

But she makes amazing money, and she is able to provide enough for her family so that her husband can play the role of stay-at-home dad, caring for their toddler.

Instead of being completely thrilled about this arrangement with her husband, she’s honestly envious of his life.

“His life as a SAHD is what I wish I could have,” she admitted. “We are able to afford cleaners, babysitters every other week, and my parents help.”

“We also have backup care when I travel. My husband works his dream job on weekends, and one weekday a week has off (babysitter, backup care, my parents). He recently did a solo trip.”

“He’s the fun dad. My son loves him; he’s in shape, everyone thinks it is amazing he stays at home. He is praised by everyone who knows us — everyone tells me I am so lucky to have him.”

When she’s not consumed by her job, she’s pitching in to help care for their toddler, or she’s keeping busy with organizing their finances or their house in general.

She’s exhausted, she’s pudgy, and she is either looking for a work break or struggling with feeling like an awful mom, considering the fact that she doesn’t spend a lot of quality time with their son.

She feels like she’s quickly aging from all of her responsibilities, which never seem to let up or allow for her to catch a break.

Cheerful young couple having fun with happy cute kid boy relaxing in modern house living room. Parents playing with funny toddler child son, bonding together spending time sitting on floor at home.

insta_photos – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

“I’m so insanely jealous of my husband and the life he has as a SAHD — with all the support he has,” she said.

“But there is no way financially I could ever step back. There is no world where I could stay home or even work a more sane job (I’ve been applying for new roles for the last year).”

What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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