She Told Her Male Neighbor That His Wife Was Cheating On Him While He Was Out Of Town And Showed Him Photos To Prove It

wavebreak3 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman has lived next to a married couple, Sarah and Mike, for a few years, and they always seemed like nice people. However, Mike often has to travel for work, meaning he’s out of their house for days at a time.

That’s why she noticed something strange would happen whenever Mike went on a business trip. Practically every time he left, another guy would go over to their home.

In the beginning, she wrote it off and figured a friend or relative was just visiting Sarah. Then, she started to connect the dots and realized there was more to the story.

“I’d see him pulling up shortly after Mike leaves, staying late, or sometimes even spending the night. And the way they greet each other… you can just tell. They’re not friends if you know what I mean,” she revealed.

Sarah has supposedly been cheating on Mike for months now, and honestly, it began to drive her crazy.

She knew it was none of her business. On the other hand, though, she’d been cheated on before, and it made her sick thinking about how Mike was completely unaware that his wife had been sneaking around with another man.

She tried to tell herself to stay out of the situation, and eventually, she couldn’t take it anymore.

“Every time I’d see that guy show up, I’d feel more and more guilty. It wasn’t like they were hiding it well, either,” she explained.

“Lights on, curtains wide open. They didn’t seem to care who saw.”

wavebreak3 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

So, while Mike was out of town again a couple of weeks ago, she decided to take action. When the guy visited Sarah, she grabbed her phone and took a couple of photos of him.

She admitted that she felt “gross” snapping those pictures, but she needed proof if she was going to confront Mike about his wife’s affair.

Then, once Mike returned home, she managed to catch him outside one afternoon and claimed they needed to talk. At that point, she shared everything she’d witnessed and showed him the photos.

“I didn’t go into too much detail, just enough so he knew what was going on,” she recalled.

“He didn’t say much, but I could tell he was in shock. He just thanked me and walked away.”

Not long afterward, he saw Mike and Sarah having a huge argument in their driveway. It made her uncomfortable, and she felt very awkward in her own neighborhood. The guy who kept visiting Sarah hasn’t been back since, but she knows the vibe is “off” in their relationship. It has left her very torn as well.

“Part of me feels like I did the right thing by telling Mike, but another part of me feels like I should’ve kept my nose out of it,” she vented.

“Their marriage was none of my business, and maybe I just made everything worse by getting involved.”

This has now made her wonder if exposing her neighbor for having an affair was really a wrong move.

Did Mike deserve to know the truth? Would you have told your neighbor if you were in her shoes? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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