She Went To A Cat Cafe On A First Date, But The Guy Ignored Her And Talked To The Employees The Entire Time

Cat sitting on the chair at cafe.
Mariia Korneeva - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual cat

Right after this 27-year-old girl matched with a 30-year-old guy on a dating app, he wasted no time asking her out on a first date.

She said yes, and they arranged to meet at a cat cafe for coffee. She’s new in town and thought it would be nice to at least meet someone from the area.

The date started out decently. He asked her a question or two. However, he then became fixated on only discussing himself.

He went on and on about how outdoorsy he is and the activities he loves. He failed to ask her anything regarding her own interests.

From there, he began petting the kittens in the cafe and then turned to chat with the two male employees working there.

Her date was conversing with the employees so much that these two guys came to sit down next to him.

She was on the other end of a couch, unable to get a word in edgewise. Whenever she piped up, it seemed like nobody wanted her input.

One of the employees did attempt to include her, but that was short-lived, as her date made everything all about him.

Thirty minutes later, she drank her coffee as fast as she could and resolved to leave. She got up from her seat to put her cup back, and when she returned, her date still acted like she didn’t exist.

Cat sitting on the chair at cafe.

Mariia Korneeva – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual cat

She pulled out her phone, trying to see if there were some great locations she could visit in the area so her day wouldn’t be a total wash.

Her date refused to acknowledge her, so she said her goodbyes and finally walked out of the cat cafe.

“As I am walking, shortly afterward, I get a text from date guy saying sorry and that the cafe worker crashed our date,” she explained.

“I decide to not send a reply. All I have to say is, no one crashed our date; he is the one who wanted to talk to these other random stranger dudes instead of the girl he asked out on a date.”

“He is a good-looking man and will get other women to date. I, too, had 50+ matches from just unpausing my profile for an hour when I matched with him. I will, too, have the opportunity to go on a thousand more [bad] dates in my life.”

“But I will not be the woman that he disrespects, someone who just sits there waiting around for him while he ignores [me]. I think I offset the dynamic when I walked away, and the dudes probably didn’t chat for much longer after I left, as they no longer had a woman sitting around for them to ignore.”

What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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