He Made A Girl Cry On A Date After Making Her Pay $42 For Her Dinner Because She Lied To Him

Annabell Gsödl
Annabell Gsödl - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person - pictured above a young woman smiles while holding a drink in her hand

I will never understand why people are dishonest on dating apps because the whole point of dating in the first place is to find someone who likes you for you and not who you’re pretending to be.

This guy matched on a dating app with a girl who absolutely lied about her looks. He invited her out to dinner for their first date, and when he saw her in real life, she clearly was a lot heavier than how she made it seem.

“I met her at [the] restaurant. She was at least 60lbs over her photos,” he explained. “I still was kind to her, although it was weird, not body shaming, but if I show you I have a full head of hair in [a] photo, and you show up and I am balding, don’t say you wouldn’t feel deceived.”

They sat down, and then this girl spent five entire minutes talking about her ex-boyfriend. He finally put a stop to it and mentioned that he’s on a date to get to know her and not her ex.

She switched topics as he requested and then dived right into discussing all the guys she matched with on the dating app aside from him.

He was not feeling the vibe that night, but they still ordered food. When the bill arrived, this girl got up to go to the bathroom.

While she was gone, he opened up the dating app they met on, and he realized she had unmatched him while on their date.

She returned from the bathroom and came up with a lie about how she urgently had to go help her friend, who needed help to jump-start her car.

She insisted that she did want to see him again sometime, which was another lie. If that was true, why did she unmatch him on the app?

Annabell Gsödl – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person – pictured above a young woman smiles while holding a drink in her hand

“I said your part of the bill is $42.00,” he continued. “I paid the waitress my half. Her mouth falls open, and she says you’re not paying? I said no, I don’t pay for a woman to lie to me; pay for your own meal.”

She called him a jerk, and he simply laughed. This girl then began to cry, and he quickly got out of there.

“Men, if a woman treats you less than you deserve to be treated, don’t reward her and bounce!!!” he exclaimed.

“[By the way] I would have paid for dinner even though it was a bad date if she hadn’t unmatched me in the bathroom and had the gall to lie to me about [how] she wants to see me again. I wouldn’t [have] seen her again regardless, but don’t lie to my face.”

Do you think he handled his bad date in the right way?

You can read the original post below.

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