He’s Had The Ick Ever Since He Discovered A List Of His Girlfriend’s Old Hookups On Her Computer, And He Wants To Break Up With Her Over It

MYDAYcontent - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Just the other night, this 33-year-old man was helping his girlfriend, who’s 27, with editing on her laptop when he saw something shocking. He found a locked note entitled “The List,” which he later learned was a list of all her old hookups.

At the time, though, he had no clue what the list was, and it was obviously an elephant in the room. So, he flat-out asked what the note was, and his girlfriend made up a lame excuse that he saw right through.

This led him to crack a joke about how he could always tell when his girlfriend was lying. He also connected the dots and asked if he was on that list.

“And then, I said I actually didn’t want to know what was on it,” he recalled.

But, while he tried to ignore it, the list was bugging him. That’s why, later on, he brought it up again and admitted that seeing it on his girlfriend’s laptop made him feel awkward. Plus, he asked why she felt the need to store a list at all.

Rather than understanding why the list weirded him out, his girlfriend freaked out on him and attacked his character for no reason.

She suddenly accused him of not caring about her and claimed he’d never get her. On top of that, she stated that he was capable of cheating on her.

“And she low-key compared me to her ex, who did cheat on her a lot,” he added.

“It was a bit of shock, her reacting like that, and it’s left me feeling empty.”

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In the past, his girlfriend had asked about his past partners, and he was honest about the number of people he’d been with. However, he never kept a list because he never viewed romance as some sort of “conquest.”

As for his girlfriend, she’d always told him that she’d hooked up with less than 10 people. She never gave him a concrete number, either, which is why he assumed she’d had a similar outlook on relationships as him.

“But this thing has really thrown me off. I’ve got the ick. The list is so creepy to me, and her reaction has made it one hundred times worse,” he vented.

In fact, he is so put off that he’s even considering breaking up with his girlfriend over the list. He’s just not sure if that would be justified or not.

If your partner had a list like that, would you view it as a red flag? Should he end their relationship?

You can read the original post here.

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