She Regrets Turning Down The Guy In The Book Cafe Who Asked For Her Number

Portrait shot of smiling woman reading book while sitting at table in the cafe.
sepy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person - pictured above a young woman reads a book in a cafe

In the movies, it seems like it’s easy to meet a love interest, as they could be waiting just around the corner from you.

But we all know it’s not that simple to meet someone in the real world. You don’t even know if they’re single for one, which is more obvious when you’re on a dating app, and that alone is a big barrier to shooting your shot.

Now, this young woman had a guy come up to her and ask for her phone number, but she’s kicking herself for turning him down after getting overwhelmed in the moment.

She was at a book cafe with one of her friends recently when a guy came up to her out of the blue.

He said to her that he thought she was attractive before asking for her phone number. She was so taken aback, not to mention she felt uneasy since the book cafe was incredibly tiny without a lot of room inside.

She makes it a habit of shutting strangers down when they approach her, so she instantly turned this guy down.

“I’m so used to saying no to usually weird guys, and I also wasn’t sure if I was attracted to the guy as he wasn’t my usual type, so I lied about not being single and thanked him,” she explained.

“But after thinking about [it] for some time, I feel like I made the wrong choice based on my initial response.”

“I’ve been wanting to come across people romantically in an organic way and this would’ve been perfect. Plus, this was a guy reading at a book cafe. Rom-com material.”

Portrait shot of smiling woman reading book while sitting at table in the cafe.

sepy – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person – pictured above a young woman reads a book in a cafe

She regrets pushing him away, and she wishes she could rewind to that time and give this guy her phone number.

Who knows where it could have gone? She realizes that attraction is something that can grow as you become more familiar with a guy, and she shouldn’t have jumped to give him a no.

She’s left wondering how she can move on and stop regretting what occurred in the book cafe. She doesn’t think there’s any chance she will ever run into this guy again.

“I also feel bad that I might’ve embarrassed him, as I’m sure everyone overheard our interaction,” she added.

What advice do you have for her? Or do you have a clever way for her to try to find this guy again so she can get a second chance?

You can read the original post below.

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