The Guy She’s Seeing Sent His Ex-Wife Flowers To Her House, Along With A Note Saying He’s Still In Love With His Ex

TikTok - @meghan_moore_
TikTok - @meghan_moore_

Meghan Moore, who goes by @meghan_moore_ on TikTok, received flowers from the guy that she’s been seeing, thinking it was a super sweet gesture.

At face value, yes, it’s such a gentlemanly thing to do! But then Meghan discovered the card that came along with the bouquet, and that picture of romance shattered into a million pieces.

Meghan quickly realized the flowers had a card addressed to this guy’s ex-wife. Curiosity, of course, got the best of her, and she opened up the card to see what he had written. For the sake of anonymity, Meghan says we will pretend the name of this guy’s ex-wife is Lisa.

“Happiest birthdays to my one true love,” the guy Meghan’s been seeing began his card to Lisa.

“I wish I never let you get away. There are not plenty of fish in the sea. I love and miss you always, but I miss you extra today.”

Meghan admitted she was actually thinking of ending things with this guy, and then the flowers showed up at her front door.

So Meghan considered that a sign from the universe that it was time to let the guy go.

“And I get some free flowers out of it,” Meghan laughed. “They’re not even that good. Like if I got these weak sauce flowers for my birthday, what, one hydrangea and four roses, I would be pretty [upset].”

In a follow-up video, Meghan revealed that she actually decided to confront the guy and texted him a photo of the flowers.

TikTok – @meghan_moore_

The guy had no idea what the flowers were about and accused Meghan of trying to sabotage their situationship.

He then surmised that “a troll” sent the flowers and card. Meghan decided from there to call the flower shop to see if they could tell her who sent the flowers.

It turns out they’re from a woman named Madison, who happens to be from the same city in Florida as someone Meghan “used to be related to.”

The flower shop provided Meghan with Madison’s full name and address. This guy was right: a troll sent them after all!

“Maybe I won’t break up with him,” Meghan added. “He’ll probably break up with me because of this because I went all crazy [texting him].”

Meghan Googled Madison and realized Madison had already blocked her on social media, so that’s suspicious.

Meghan has no idea who Madison is, and she’s never met her before. However, the guy Meghan’s been seeing spent time at her house during the hurricane, so she suspects someone spotted his car in her driveway and tipped off this Madison girl, who launched the prank after that.

Oh, and funny story: Meghan actually knows the ex-wife of the guy she’s been seeing, but that’s a story for another time.

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