His Cheating Ex-Wife Expects Him To Lend Her Money Since She’s Going Through A Tough Time

Success concept. Stylish bearded man in a suit standing in modern office
opolja - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 35-year-old man made it ten years in marriage before his 34-year-old ex-wife ruined everything. They did build a nice life together, and he thought they were both truly happy.

But then, he found out that she was cheating on him, and that broke his heart. The divorce that followed was completely draining.

In the end, he was left to begin all over alone – in a financial and emotional sense. Amid all the chaos of splitting up and rebuilding, he kept his eye on the prize: being there for his two kids.

“I provide generous child support and ensure they have everything they need. Recently, my ex reached out to me, saying she’s in a tight spot financially, and asked if I could lend her some money to cover her expenses,” he explained.

“I declined, explaining that my responsibility is to our children, not to her. She argued that helping her would ultimately benefit the kids, but I stood firm.”

“I’ve already endured enough pain and can’t see myself extending help to someone who betrayed my trust so deeply.”

His ex-wife has used his refusal to help her in her time of need as a means of turning their mutual friends against him.

She’s calling him vengeful and saying he’s using his financial success to punish her when she truly needs help.

These mutual friends of theirs think that he should agree to help his ex-wife only to keep the peace for the benefit of their children.

Success concept. Stylish bearded man in a suit standing in modern office
opolja – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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However, he doesn’t agree with them at all. He does feel responsible for providing for his kids, but that’s it. He doesn’t see how it should be his burden to now provide for his ex-wife, too, after she wrecked their family, stomped on his heart, and stabbed him in the back.

Keeping this boundary is something he needs for his ability to move on and heal, and it’s also a requirement for him to maintain some self-respect here.

But since their mutual friends aren’t siding with him, he’s left wondering if it is somehow wrong of him to refuse to give his ex-wife money.

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