She Punched Her Husband’s Ex-Wife, So Now Her Neighbors Think She’s A Monster

Beautiful woman smiling on bed
WavebreakmediaMicro - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman’s husband has an ex-wife named Shelly, who has a deep-seated hatred for her. That’s fine with her since she hates Shelly’s guts and has no interest in making this woman her friend.

Shelly is a drama queen and loves dragging her son into the mess. Shelly will make her son give her an update on whatever she says at home. Shelly also called CPS on her for a ridiculous reason, and thankfully, they didn’t investigate.

“She will tell anyone that will listen that I stole her family from her and I destroyed her life. My husband had been divorced from her for 8 years when I met him. I just think that backstory is important,” she explained.

Several days ago, she brought her four-year-old daughter to play at the park in their neighborhood. She was pushing her daughter on the swing set when she noticed Shelly pull her car up.

She snatched up her daughter and made her way home as Shelly followed after her, hurling insults and making threats.

She quickly called 911 and remained with the operator on the phone. Shelly kept harassing her, even though she said she had called the cops.

That only served to rile Shelly up further, and thankfully, she was already at her house by that point. Her garage door was open, so she hurried her daughter inside and asked that she get her husband.

“I turn around and Shelly is running full speed towards me with her arm drawn back. I punched her dead in the throat,” she said.

“She fell on the ground and was gasping for air. I dropped to the ground to ask if she was okay, but she continued to try to swing at me as she gasped for air.”

Beautiful woman smiling on bed
WavebreakmediaMicro – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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“The cops then arrived and put her in handcuffs because she started to fight them. They put us in separate areas and talked to us. She told them that I hit her first, but my husband was already outside, with the footage, ready to show the police. They asked me if I wanted to press charges, and I said yes.”

She lives in a tiny town, so word quickly got around that she punched Shelly and knocked her out. Nearly every single person who knows about this believes she’s to blame here.

Shelly is 130 pounds and 5’4″, while she’s 180 and 5’10”. She also lifts weights, so people believe that she could have caused serious harm to Shelly and shouldn’t have hit her.

Everyone feels that she also should not have pressed charges. Her husband, her stepson (Shelly’s son), and her loved ones are siding with her.

However, many of her neighbors have sent her mean messages accusing her of being a “bully” and a “monster.”

“I feel like I was just defending myself, but I want some unbiased opinions because now I feel like I might’ve taken it too far, and I’m starting to doubt myself,” she concluded.

Do you think it was wrong of her to punch Shelly?

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