She Threatened To Divorce Her Husband And Only Then Did He Start Helping Her Care For Their Daughter, But Her Feelings For Him Are Already Dead

Mom holding preschool toddler daughter girl with strong bond and love
Ursula Page - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This woman and her husband have a five-year-old daughter together, and her husband’s the breadwinner while she’s a stay-at-home mom.

For all the years her daughter’s been alive, not once has her husband offered to wake up early to help care for her.

Instead, he slept in late, even on the days when he had time off from work. He also never helped shop for their groceries, set the table, or did anything to show that he cared about pitching in with their home life.

Her husband would literally wait for her to put everything on the dinner table before sitting down. Any time he ended up sick, he would take off from work.

But whenever she was ill, he would wave goodbye, go to work, and leave her all alone to care for their daughter without asking if she needed any help.

If she and her husband were together in their house with their daughter, he failed to plan activities for them or had no interest in taking their daughter to play so she could have a moment to herself.

Initially, she thought their dynamic was not abnormal. But after she befriended other parents and saw how husbands in different families jumped at the chance to help their wives, it dawned on her that her husband was not being fair.

“I had asked him to change, nicely and not nicely, many, many times over the last 5 years,” she explained. “In the last few months, I gave up, started an emotional affair, and asked for a divorce.”

“ONLY THEN did he start doing these changes. All of the changes!!! He is now doing everything that I asked for without me having to ask for it.”

Mom holding preschool toddler daughter girl with strong bond and love
Ursula Page – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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“I am so mad. I don’t understand why he couldn’t do those things before my feelings for him died. I don’t know what to do.”

What advice do you have for her?

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