A Ghost Crawled Under Her Door Beads, And She Thought It Was Her Sister Trying To Steal Clothes From Her Bedroom

Cozy bedroom at night with a light on.
Pixel-Shot - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only

When she was a kid, TikToker Meaghan (@megs_zone) had Korean exchange students stay in her family’s home.

One of the students shared a room with her in the basement. They slept on a bunk bed, with Meaghan at the top bunk and the student on the bottom.

During this time, Meaghan’s dad had removed all the doors of the rooms in the basement because they were getting new carpets installed.

Meaghan wanted to have a little more privacy, so for Christmas, her grandmother gifted her a beaded curtain to hang in her doorway. The beads hung about a foot off the floor.

Meaghan’s sister often came into her bedroom to borrow clothes and makeup before school. She slid under the door beads so as not to wake Meaghan up in the mornings.

One night, the exchange student was gone because she was visiting her uncle in another state for the holidays, so it was just Meaghan in the room by herself. Everyone in the house had settled down to bed, and it was dark.

However, she heard her door beads clattering together. When she turned in the direction of the noise, she saw what looked like her sister’s silhouette. Her sister was crawling on all fours with her long, curly hair hanging down in front of her face.

She rushed toward the end of the bed to the closet as if to steal some more of Meaghan’s clothes. Meaghan wanted to catch her sister in the act, so she jumped up and yelled to surprise her. But when she peered over the edge of the top bunk, no one was there.

Meaghan started screaming, and her sister ended up running down the hall and turning on the light. She told her sister what had happened. To this day, it was one of the creepiest incidents she had ever experienced.

Cozy bedroom at night with a light on.
Pixel-Shot – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only

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In the comments section, several TikTok users expressed how spooked they were by Meaghan’s story, and some shared similar paranormal experiences.

“If my sister ever told me she saw what looked like me crawling on all fours under her door with my hair in my face, I would never EVER step foot in her room again,” declared one user.

“I was taking care of my baby niece, and I was rocking her, and I look straight ahead, and there is a little girl smiling and laughing. I froze and she ran into my room, never saw her again,” commented another.

“This happened to me almost exactly with my brother. Except I said, ‘What are you doing?’ and he scurried back to where he came from instead of the edge of my bed,” added a third.

Emily  Chan is a writer who covers lifestyle and news content. She graduated from Michigan State University with a ... More about Emily Chan

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