
She’s Now Excluding Her Cousin Who Has Down Syndrome From Her Wedding Party Due To Some Issues But Her Aunt Is Accusing Her Of Discrimination

AntonioDiaz - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

She’s Getting Married And Will Be Including Some Kids In Her Wedding Party

nataliakabliuk – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

A 26-year-old woman is going to be getting married next spring towards the end of April. She is already including some children in her family in her wedding party.

She’s Hoping The Kids Won’t Get Bored If They Participate

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She thinks by including them, it will help alleviate some of the boredom they might experience at the wedding.

She Has A Cousin With Down Syndrome

New Africa – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual toys

Her 19-year-old cousin Etta has Down syndrome, and due to that, she can be a little more childlike (for example, she loves My Little Pony).

She Did Ask Her Cousin To Be In Her Wedding Party

Pavlo Melnyk – – illustrative purposes only

When this bride-to-be asked Etta to be part of her wedding party, she thought her cousin was very excited to be included.

But Her Cousin Didn’t Seem Interested

olegzaicev – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

However, how she acted afterward did not make it seem that Etta really wanted to be involved at all.

She Picked Out Pink Dresses For The Bridesmaids

berezko – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“For example, I picked out a sweet pink dress for the bridesmaids to wear, and all the girls loved it,” the bride-to-be said.

But Her Cousin Didn’t Like The Dress

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“Except Etta said she didn’t like it and wouldn’t wear it. So I picked another dress for them, in a different cut, but she refused this one too.”

She Asked Her Cousin To Pick A Dress

Nataly – – illustrative purposes only

“Eventually, I asked her to go and pick a dress she would like to wear. Etta came back with this navy blue dress that wouldn’t match anything at the wedding.”

She Doesn’t Want Dark Colors In Her Wedding Though

Christa – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This bride-to-be said she is not extremely picky, but she is having a springtime wedding, so she does really want lighter colors, not darker.

She Walked Out Of The Store Because She Couldn’t Deal

AntonioDiaz – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

In the end, she just left the store because they were getting nowhere.

She Asked Her Cousin To Help Her Pick A Wedding Cake

sonyachny – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Then it came time to pick out the wedding cake, and Etta came along for that. This bride-to-be tried hard to pick a cake flavor the kids would enjoy at the wedding, and everyone loved the chocolate cake.

Her Cousin Didn’t Like The Chocolate Cake

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Etta replied that she did not like chocolate, and when the bride-to-be suggested vanilla, Etta didn’t care.

Her Cousin Demanded To Have Candy Bars Instead Of Cake

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Etta said she was going to just have candy bars, and the bride-to-be graciously said she could bring them to her wedding, but that she did also want to have wedding cakes.

Then Her Cousin Got Mad

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“Then she was [angry] because she wasn’t being “included” in the cake she didn’t even want,” the bride-to-be explained.

She Wants To Exclude Her Cousin Now

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Now, this bride-to-be really does not want Etta to be in the wedding party since she’s just making everything unnecessarily difficult for her.

So She Told Her Aunt

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She approached her aunt to explain her position on why she will be excluding Etta from the bridal party, but her aunt was absolutely furious.

Her Aunt Said She Was Discriminating Against Her Cousin

Pavlo Melnyk – – illustrative purposes only

Her aunt also accused her of discriminating against Etta, but this bride-to-be says that has nothing to do with her decision.

Her Aunt Tried To Get Her To Change Her Mind

Deidre – – illustrative purposes only

After this conversation, her aunt made Etta call her to ask if she would change her mind, but she very politely told Etta why she was not going to do that.

Now There’s Drama In Her Whole Family

Kirill – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This has caused a huge problem with her whole family, not just her aunt, and her mom thinks she’s a jerk for what she decided to do.

How would you deal with this?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.