Her Boyfriend Admitted That He Wasn’t Sure She Was The One For Him, So She Dumped Him

A girl in her 20s spent close to the last 5 years of her life with her boyfriend, who is 8 years older than she is.
She and her boyfriend even moved in with one another 3 years ago, and she was convinced he was the guy for her.
She was (and still is) head over heels for him, and they never had any major problems that they couldn’t overcome together.
She felt pretty blindsided recently when she noticed that she was trying to move their relationship forward, and her boyfriend was hesitant to do the same.
Initially, she figured her boyfriend’s hesitation stemmed from his own mom getting divorced over and over again when he was a child, but it turns out he really is afraid of commitment.
She was disappointed not to be moving towards engagement or marriage with him, and she was honest about wanting these things very much.
Also, her boyfriend had said he was interested in getting married and having kids at the beginning of their being together, so she figured they were working towards the same things together.
As the years went on, though, her boyfriend became more and more unable to talk about these next steps.
She has attempted to push him toward revealing to her why he doesn’t want to move their relationship along, and he refused to really open up.

annanahabed – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
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Well, today, she pushed more, and he eventually told her some surprising things.
“He said he was extremely scared of getting married and making a commitment to me, and he didn’t know why,” she explained.
“He admits he always comes up with excuses to put off the engagement (finances, life, etc.) and then said he’d never had an “epiphany” that I was the one.”
“That he could see us together and wants to stay together but has been waiting to “know” and I guess has never had that “aha” moment.”
“So I broke up with him. I feel lied to and like he’s been stringing me along for the last 4 years. He wants to talk it out tomorrow and has been texting me saying he wants to be with me and work it out.”
She is so in love with him, but she feels like she cannot be with him since they really are not on the same page.
Regardless, she’s left wondering if she might be able to repair things with him and nail down that happily ever after life with him by her side.
Do you think this is one big daydream that he’s going to come around, and do you think she really should move on?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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