Her Boyfriend’s Family Intentionally Fed Her Meat Without Telling Her Even Though She Is Vegan, So She Excused Herself From The Dinner Table To Go Throw Up

lithian - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
lithian - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A young woman has spent the last decade of her life being a vegan, and before she started eating that way, she was a vegetarian for 3 years.

Since she has not consumed meat in such a long time, she isn’t able to just eat it without suffering some serious digestive consequences.

If she ever does want to eat meat again, she needs to put it back into her diet really slowly so as not to be sick for days on end.

She’s had a couple of incidents over the years where she ate meat accidentally and was violently ill.

“After these experiences, I’ve decided that if I ever eat meat by accident again, I’m just going to have a quick puke because at least that’s better than a day or 2 of stomach issues,” she explained.

A week ago, she went to her boyfriend’s family’s house for dinner, and they all know that she is a vegan.

Her boyfriend’s family loves to endlessly give her a hard time or make fun of her for being vegan, but when she arrived at their home last week, they weren’t acting like they normally do.

Instead, they were lovely to her and even went out of their way to make her a pasta dish that they insisted had no meat in it.

She ate it, thinking it tasted a bit funny, but she was gracious to them for thinking of her for a change.

lithian – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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As soon as her boyfriend’s family asked her if she enjoyed the dish they had prepared, she told them that she did.

“Then his dad revealed it had ground beef in the sauce,” she said. “I was like ‘goddamnit’ internally because I had a 4-hour flight the next morning, and I did not want to spend it blowing up the airplane bathroom.”

“So I was like “excuse me” and walked to the bathroom. His family was like “wtf” so as a bit of an answer to them, I didn’t shut the door when I did what I was about to do, have a puke.”

“It was a little dramatic, honestly, but… I’d rather it come out once easily than unpleasantly on the plane or bus. Especially because the bus has no bathrooms.”

“His family was getting mad at me for throwing up with the door open because my boyfriend’s brother’s kid daughter got grossed out and puked on the floor too.”

She was angry with her boyfriend’s family for doing this to her, and she left right after that with her boyfriend in tow. Her boyfriend isn’t happy with what his family did, but he’s also upset with her for leaving in the middle of dinner after throwing up.

She’s currently curious if she was wrong to handle things at dinner in the way that she did.

Do you think she could have done things differently that night, or do you agree with how she chose to handle it all?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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