He Ended Up Leaving His Wife While He Was In The Middle Of A Terrible Psychotic Break, And Now That She Found Another Guy, He’s Wondering If He Will Ever Be Able To Move On

racool_studio - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
racool_studio - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 25-year-old man was diagnosed not too long ago with Major Depression, OCD, ADHD, Extreme Anxiety, Bi-Polar, and Psychosis.

He is currently receiving help for all of this, and although he still finds that he is struggling on a daily basis, he’s trying to convince himself that everything will be better at some point.

Now, 3 months ago, he ended up leaving his wife, and he was in the middle of a terrible psychotic break when he made this decision.

“I was disassociative, disrealized, and genuinely thought I had become a different person,” he explained.

“I started blaming her for so many reasons and convinced myself I couldn’t be with her (she’s the only person I’ve ever been with) and that I need to explore and meet new people.”

“What I didn’t know was that I was going through a major Psychotic break and was hospitalized due to past trauma, and I kept telling her all of these things; I can’t be with you anymore; I love you like a sister. I needed a clean break for my own personal psyche; I couldn’t emotionally support another person, so I convinced myself she was awful.”

His wife is really wonderful, and she really loved him with all of her heart and enjoyed being around him.

He admits that their marriage wasn’t healthy in that they had no shared interests and rarely left their house to do anything.

But, when he decided to exit their marriage, he felt that he had too much of his life ahead of him to spend with his wife, and he was seeking something different.

racool_studio – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

He isn’t trying to hide behind his mental illness as a way to excuse what he did, but he can see now that what he was going through really did make him exacerbated.

“I was convinced I was only with her to ‘save’ her and that I’ve done my part and need to move on,” he said.

“I ‘woke up’ a week ago and am hit in the face with grief and loss. She’s moved on; she needed a rebound and has a new boyfriend; she doesn’t want to communicate with me…”

“But there is this massive hole in my heart, and my anxiety is through the roof like nobody’s business. I am so angry at myself but someone else, I am mad at the person who took over my body and ruined my relationship.”

His wife had tried to convince him to go to therapy with her, but he didn’t listen and pushed to be done with their relationship entirely.

His wife kept attempting to get him to stay with her for a little while, but then she did find someone new, and he doesn’t hold it against her at all because he did push her away big time.

He is left feeling so envious of the fact that his wife is with her new boyfriend, and he can’t stop thinking about the two of them together.

He’s so focused on his wife moving on that it’s even seeping into his professional life and impacting his ability to do his job.

“I feel as though my life was stolen from me, and while I know I did it, I don’t feel like I did,” he continued.

“Does anybody have experience with this? I still have to see her semi-regularly (no kids), and it pains me to see her so happy without me. I feel like a shell of myself, looking at my old life from a dusty window.”

“I know this is all of my fault, and it doesn’t help that I haven’t been able to find anyone else to relate with in a romantic sense, my own rebound of sorts. I guess I’m just uninteresting, but after being with someone every day for 7 years, the loneliness is soul-crushing.”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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