Her Boyfriend Wants Her To Stop Cooking With Salt At Home, But She’s Refusing Because He Still Eats Salty Snacks Throughout The Day

kucherav - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
kucherav - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This twenty-nine-year-old woman and her boyfriend, who is thirty-three, have been dating for two and a half years. She has also been living with her boyfriend for the last year and a half.

Just a few months ago, though, her boyfriend actually had his blood pressure taken, and it apparently “came back ever so slightly high.”

Now, she claims that her boyfriend is a very healthy weight for his height. Don’t get me wrong; he is tall and thin. However, her boyfriend also has some muscle because of his work as a diesel mechanic.

Despite how he might look, though, her boyfriend recognized that high blood pressure was nothing to mess around with. So, he ultimately decided to try and eat a cleaner diet.

Anyway, at their house, she actually does about ninety percent of the cooking. She honestly does not mind at all, though, since her boyfriend always does the dishes and takes care of the vacuuming.

Plus, she swears that she usually cooks on the healthier side. For context, she is only about five foot three and has a slim, athletic build.

So, she tends to focus on cooking with healthy proteins and veggies and plays around with different sauces and toppings to keep the meals interesting.

“I feel like the meals I make set a strong foundation for an overall healthy lifestyle. My boyfriend also loves my cooking and always brags to his friends about the things we eat,” she said.

More recently, though, her boyfriend suddenly decided that he did not want to eat any salt in their meals at home. And honestly, she has no idea how to work around his new dietary restriction.

kucherav – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

First of all, she claims that they have never used an excessive amount of salt in their diet, to begin with. So, she thinks it is just ridiculous to cut out an already healthy amount of salt from their daily meals.

On top of that, she actually does a lot of cardio and strength training at the gym. So, she knows that salt is an integral part of maintaining homeostasis, and she does not want to end up with a sodium deficiency because of her boyfriend.

She did bring up these concerns to him, too, and pointed out how all of their meals are eaten together. In other words, whatever he wants to change will ultimately impact her food, too.

Her boyfriend had a bunch of ideas to fix that, though. In fact, he first just suggested salting her food separately.

But, after she claimed that salting after cooking does not taste the same, he told her that she could cook their food in different pots. Plus, he said she could just get salt using supplements like Gatorade.

Quite honestly, though, the biggest issue for her has to do with the fact that cutting out salt from cooked meals will not even help her boyfriend– because apparently, he still munches on ultra-salty snacks!

“I would be perfectly happy making these accommodations if I felt like it would actually help. But, he is constantly snacking on high-sodium snacks like chips, pretzels, and frozen egg rolls,” she revealed.

So, she really just believes it is unfair to be asked to change how she salts their food before her boyfriend has made any real effort to change his unhealthy snacking decisions.

For whatever reason, though, her boyfriend just does not understand her perspective. Instead, he actually feels disrespected whenever she cooks for both of them and opts to use salt.

Plus, afterward, he will either refuse to eat the meal or refuse to do the dishes whenever he finds out she cooked with salt. And it is really getting on her nerves.

“I think he is being a baby, and I refuse to stop salting our food,” she admitted.

But that still leaves her and her boyfriend at an impasse. So now, she has been left wondering if not cutting out salt from the meals she cooks for her boyfriend is justified or if it actually just makes her a jerk.

Do you think salt used in moderation is healthy? Why do you think her boyfriend refuses to stop eating salty snacks but wants their meals to be salt-free? Should she have to do extra cooking or sacrifice the taste of her meals for him? If you were in her shoes, what would you do?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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