Her Little Sister Is In Debt After Maxing Out Her Credit Card, But She Doesn’t Want To Give Her Sister Money Because She Believes She’ll Just Be Enabling Her

A.KaZaK - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
A.KaZaK - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 22-year-old girl has a sister who is 2 years younger than she is. Not too long ago, her sister got herself into debt after maxing out her credit card, and her sister has no money left.

Her mom and dad said they would not help her sister out and pay off her debt, citing they cannot afford to do that.

She knows that’s a lie because her parents are pretty rich, and she suspects her mom and dad just want to teach her sister a lesson about being good with your money.

She doesn’t have a job right now because she’s working on finishing up her undergrad degree, but she has a good amount of money saved up from jobs she used to have.

She honestly has enough money that she could easily pay off the debt her sister accumulated on her credit card without needing her sister to pay her back.

“For background, my dad pays my sister’s rent/utilities for her one-bedroom apartment and also gives her an allowance every week to cover groceries, so in the event that I don’t give her money, she’s not going to starve or be homeless,” she explained.

“She is also in school and recently quit her job (for good reason); however, she has no savings as she struggles with addiction and tends to spend impulsively.”

“She is currently working on getting another job and has an interview tomorrow; however, she wouldn’t be able to pay off her card for at least a month, and she is really worried about having a bad credit score and having to pay interest.”

She brought up paying off her sister’s credit card to her mom, but her mom said not to offer that at all.

A.KaZaK – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Her sister has apparently blown through $500 every single week on who knows what, and by nobody offering her sister help, her parents believe she will learn from her mistakes.

She knows her sister feels terrible about being in debt, and her sister has promised that she learned a big lesson.

After struggling with whether or not she should offer her sister help, she decided not to, as she does not want to enable her sister’s out-of-control spending habits.

Regardless, she’s left wondering if it’s mean of her not to help her sister out. What do you think; should she pay down her sister’s credit card?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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