She’s Pretty Positive The Guy She’s Dating Only Likes Her Body And Not Her Face

Iona - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Iona - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 26-year-old girl has been dating a 31-year-old guy for the last 3 months, and they originally met one another at the gym.

Now, she does really like this guy, and she believes he also likes her as well. He’s very truthful, he’s adorable, he’s sweet, and he’s hilarious too.

But, because of where they met, she’s pretty sure he likes her body…but she’s beginning to think he doesn’t like her face.

“The reason why I think this is because when we started dating, he would say things like you’re really hot, your body is so nice, etc., but he would never say I am pretty,” she explained.

“At first, I liked that there was…attraction, but then the compliments about my body kinda got too much so I talked to him about the comments making me feel objectified and told him I thought there were other ways to compliment me, like saying I am beautiful or I am pretty.”

“His answer to that was that he didn’t know me that well and for him, saying someone is beautiful holds a different value than saying someone’s hot. Hot is just physical, while telling someone they’re beautiful requires emotions, and he didn’t know me enough to give emotional complements.”

This conversation happened approximately a month and a half into their relationship, but after a little more time had elapsed, this guy did start occasionally mentioning that she was pretty.

Unfortunately, when he does refer to her as pretty, she just doesn’t buy that he’s telling the truth, especially since he really only remarks on her body.

2 weeks after she had the conversation with him about not wanting him to only say nice things about her body, she got into an argument with him because nothing had changed about his compliments.

Iona – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

But anyway, back to the present: this is causing a problem for her.

“I am a confident person, I think I am pretty, and I also get told I am pretty outside, but it’s been messing with my head,” she said.

“I tried to brush it off and not worry about it, but It makes me feel ugly for some reason. I have been having thoughts like, “What if people outside only tell me I am pretty because they think I look good overall, and in reality, they don’t like my face?”

“I also didn’t him if he thought I am pretty because he might try to make me feel good and say yes, and I also don’t want to seem insecure. I don’t know if I’m overthinking this or if it is weird of me to want a guy who likes both my face and body. I really don’t want it to ruin my confidence in the long run, and would love some advice on this.”

Do you think it seems like he doesn’t actually find her attractive after all?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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