She Bought A Set Of Bedding For Herself And A Set Of Bedding For Her Husband, Thinking It Would Solve Some Problems Between Them, But It’s Only Creating More Conflict

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman and her husband have always had a couple of problems when it comes to sleeping next to one another.

It’s worth mentioning that her husband goes to bed far earlier than she does, as he has to get up and go to work before she does in the mornings.

So when it comes time for her to crawl into bed every night, she walks into their bedroom only to find that he has yanked all the blankets on her side of the bed over to his side.

Also, the bedding ends up being mostly on the floor on her husband’s side of the bed.

“So I grab all the bedding and slide it back over to my side, and he always wakes up..and gripes and groans at me,” she explained.

“He also hates having the sheets tucked in and kicks them totally out and somehow gets tangled up in them under the blankets and I have to hunt for them before I crawl into bed. It’s a whole annoying process and drives us both nuts.”

She thought about how they could fix this, and she came across the perfect solution; she was going to buy a set of bedding for herself and a set of bedding for her husband.

So brought her solution up to her husband, who was completely on board, and she did just that. She purchased a duvet cover and quilt for her and another set entirely for him.

“So now we have our own cozy fluffy quilts, no sheets getting tangled, I don’t wake him up getting into bed, and everything should be copacetic… But no!” she exclaimed.

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“He’s been complaining every day about his blanket falling off every night and not being able to stay covered up.”

When her husband brought his complaint to her, she couldn’t help but laugh and point out to him that he always stole her portion of the blankets off the bed, so it was pretty humorous.

As time has worn on, though, her husband has only gotten angrier about their blanket situation. It’s to the point now where he is just angry about there not being a top shot on their bed.

He has threatened lately to buy a cot and go sleep in her office, and he has also suggested getting a hide-a-bed style couch, and she doesn’t like any of his ideas.

The first idea impacts her ability to do her work, and the second idea would make her have to leave the leaving room 3 hours prior to when she likes to go to bed each evening.

She’s left wondering if it was a bad choice to get separate bedding sets for her and her husband.

Do you think so, and also, what do you think she can do to help resolve this situation once and for all?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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