She Forgot Her Wallet On The Way To The Airport And Her Boyfriend Said He Would Only Bring It To Her If She Paid Him $150

Petryshak - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Petryshak - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 24-year-old girl had a flight to catch yesterday, and she packed her carry-on bag prior to heading out to the airport.

Unfortunately, on Saturday night, she had taken her wallet out of her handbag, which was inside of her carry-on bag, and she completely didn’t remember to put her wallet back inside.

So, after she arrived at the airport, she realized that she didn’t have her wallet with her at all. She quickly called her 24-year-old boyfriend, whom she lives with, to ask if he could drive her wallet to the airport.

There was no way that she could catch an Uber to go home to get her wallet and still make her flight, so she was really counting on her boyfriend to help her out.

He was already running late for his job, but he agreed to get her wallet to the airport under one condition.

“He says he can’t, and I’m begging at this point, and he says he can do it if I pay him $150 (but he also sounds very unhappy about it, which is totally fair because it looks bad to call out from teaching last minute),” she explained.

“I’m a little shocked he wanted that much, but I assume that would have been lost wages for him. I tell him to hold on; I’m going to call my manager. I work in surgery, and I’m flying west coast to east coast for 2 spine surgeries on Monday this flight can’t be missed (I’m still mortified I made such an amateur mistake).”

“Anyways, I call my manager, who is definitely at home sleeping. Explain the situation (he asks if I asked about my BF, and I explain the $150 thing), and he says…he’ll help me.”

She and her manager have an excellent relationship that is nothing but professional, and they have worked together for 4 years.

Petryshak – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Her manager really is like a mentor and friend to her, and he has a son who is the same age that she is.

She trusts her manager completely, and the reason she even wants to be at the job she has now is that her manager is so talented in his job, which in turn, makes her job a lot simpler.

But, back to the situation at hand; her manager was willing to head over to the airport with her wallet, and he really was saving the day for her.

She was so appreciative that her manager was happy to waste his Sunday morning coming to help her out.

She immideately called her boyfriend to fill him in on her manager stopping by to grab her wallet, and she asked if he could wait 10 more minutes to make sure her wallet got to her manager.

“He says he can’t, he’s just running too late,” she said. “I say ok, then could you please leave it on the kitchen counter?”

“He doesn’t respond at first, then he starts going off about how he doesn’t want a man he doesn’t know inside his home and that it’s too intimate and strange.”

“I told him I trust my manager and he can’t help me so my manager is doing me a huge favor by helping me instead.”

Her boyfriend was super upset, which is the last thing she needed, as her plane was taking off in 30 minutes and she knew it would be a close call for her to collect her wallet and get to her seat on the plane.

She just couldn’t figure out why her boyfriend was so furious, and he even accused her of crossing a boundary.

Meanwhile, she had no choice but to ask her manager for help because she desperately needed to make her flight for her job.

“I can’t even begin to explain the professional consequences of missing this flight because I was forgetful,” she continued.

“How do I handle this situation with my BF? He knows how (in a bad spot) I was and what my job is. I love him but I’m feeling really bitter about how everything played out.”

What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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