She Just Got A New Job, And Now Her Boyfriend Is Expecting Her To Pay More Rent Even Though He Makes Wildly More Money Than She Does

Galina Zhigalova - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Galina Zhigalova - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

A 23-year-old girl has been in a relationship with her 25-year-old boyfriend for the last 4 years, and they hope to get engaged within 6 months.

Close to 2 years into their relationship, her boyfriend ended up purchasing a home. The home her boyfriend bought, though, is 3 decades old and requires a ton of work.

Her boyfriend also bought the home without asking her opinion, and he bought it for just him to live in because, at that time, she was living in a city.

This house is 30 to 45 minutes away from their jobs and also their friends. Her boyfriend adores his house and would never, ever move, even though she’s not exactly a fan of it or the location.

“A few months ago, I moved in with my boyfriend and have since helped him with some house projects,” she explained.

“When I moved in with my partner, I paid about 1/3 of the mortgage for rent. I also am paying 50% of utility bills.”

“In addition, I do about 75% of the housework, while my partner has been focusing on remodeling projects and updating the home. He has invested a considerable amount of time and money into new utility systems and projects.”

Not that long ago, she landed a new job with a salary of around $65,000. Since then, her boyfriend has mentioned raising her rent by $400 per month.

This means she’ll be footing the bill for exactly half of her boyfriend’s mortgage, even though he claims her money is going to be spent on improving the house as well as splitting their other expenses evenly.

Galina Zhigalova – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

As soon as her boyfriend brought this up, it made her really angry. She doesn’t just pay her boyfriend rent right now; she does pretty much all of their household chores and assists him in all of his home improvement projects.

“I feel like this arrangement is unfair and one-sided,” she said. “On the other hand, if we do get married, the house will also be my asset as well.”

“I’m not sure how to make this living situation fair for both of us. My partner also makes about 4x the amount that I do. I feel like he is asking to go 50/50 on finances when he purchased this house without taking my income into consideration.”

“I would like to find a way to make the finances and housework more balanced. What do you recommend?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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