She’s Seriously Concerned That Her Boyfriend And Sister Are Crushing On One Another, But She’s Not Sure She Can Do Anything Except Keep Tabs On Their Interactions From Here On Out

morrowlight - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
morrowlight - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 30-year-old woman has a younger sister named Judy, who is 26, and to be honest, she and Judy do not exactly get along well at all.

Sometimes, they can manage to be courteous to one another, but even still, the tension they both have never goes away.

A year ago, Judy ended up leaving the country for work, and since then, they have not spoken at all.

That all changed around Christmas when Judy came home, and it’s worth mentioning that she still does live at home with their mom and dad.

“This holiday season is also the first one that my boyfriend Xavier and I have spent with each others’ families,” she explained.

“We’ve been dating for about 4 months. It’s also the first time he’s met my sister, although I’ve spoken about our difficult relationship and shown him pictures.”

“My sister barely glanced at or acknowledged my last boyfriend, who I was dating for a while very seriously. That’s a pretty hard thing to do since he lived with us in the family home. But with Xavier, she’s been pleasant, serving him food, choosing to sit next to him when there was a seat made up for her next to me, and generally being nice.”

At first, she concluded that Judy had to have just grown up into a nicer person. It also crossed her mind that perhaps Judy liked Xavier more than her because she and Judy have a terrible history.

Regardless of the real reason Judy had for not being mean to her boyfriend, she just stopped thinking about it all.

morrowlight – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

But yesterday, her family threw a get-together, and of course, Judy was there because she’s still home. Judy had on a pair of short shorts, but that’s something Judy always wears when in the comfort of their family’s home.

“At one point, we were talking about strawberry legs, and she lifted her leg up to show everyone,” she said.

“Xavier and I received quite a view, and she laughed off my mom’s alarmed chastising about her essentially flashing Xavier. I didn’t think much of this either because Judy is relatively free with her body, at least compared to me, and often gets scolded by my grandmother and my mom for the clothes she chooses to wear. On the other hand, Xavier has asked me more questions about my sister than my brother. He remembered Judy’s name but not my brother’s. He showed me a picture of a celebrity he finds very attractive, and she looks like my sister. When we played board games at the family gathering, he picked my sister to be his partner and no one else.”

She went from feeling great about Xavier and how he interacted with her family to feeling suspicious.

Particularly, she’s now suspicious that Xavier and Judy are crushing on one another and attracted to each other too.

She really does feel like Xavier is the one for her, even though it’s pretty early on to be saying that, but that’s the way her heart is going, so you can see why she’s upset about the situation.

“I figure there’s not enough substantial evidence either way, and my relationship with Xavier is mostly good, so there’s nothing much to do at this point except keep observing?” she wondered.

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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