
Her Half-Sister Demanded That She Give Her Half Of Her Trust Fund, But After She Declined To Do That, Her Half-Sister Tried To Guilt Her Into It

She let her dad know it was alright for him to provide Kylie with that, and then he said that Kylie is currently pregnant.

Several days after she had dinner with her dad, Kylie called her up. Over the phone, Kylie told her that she was working a job that paid minimum wage, and she is living in a place that won’t work when she does have her baby.

Kylie then got around to the point of her phone call: Kylie wanted to discuss her trust fund.

“She said that since I had a trust fund that she also should have got, I should split it with her so that her child doesn’t have to go through what she did,” she said.

“I was totally blindsided by this and said I would think about it. She called me every day after that, saying how she had a lot of expenses now she was pregnant and guilt-tripping me, saying the family owes her.”

She decided to speak to her grandpa about all of this, and he pointed out that she can do what she wants with her money, but it would be so foolish of her to give a lot of money to a person she barely knows just because they asked her to give them money.

In the end, she knew her grandpa was right, and she was not obligated to give Kylie a thing. She then turned around and told Kylie she had no interest in sharing her trust fund with her at all.

As soon as those words left her mouth, Kylie began yelling at her and accusing her of being spoiled and self-centered. It only got uglier from there.

“She also said it will be my fault if something happens to her baby or if he/she grows up poor,” she continued.

“I hung up the phone and cried. My grandparents and fiancé say I’ve done the right thing. My dad said he’s offered to give Kylie some money, but he doesn’t have access to the kind of money in the trust fund because of his addiction, but he says I’m not to blame and that Kylie isn’t my responsibility.”

“That said, the things she said about her life and about her child’s future were so awful I can’t stop thinking about it.”

She does not believe that she’s a terrible person for not giving Kylie money, especially since she is basically a “stranger” to her.

She also thinks she may have dodged a bullet after how nasty Kylie got with her. Still, she’s left feeling bad about potentially “punishing” Kylie’s child for who Kylie is.

Do you think she should give Kylie half of her trust fund?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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