
He Just Got Accepted To His Dream Master’s Program, And He Wants To Become A Doctor, But He Would Have To Leave His Family While They Mourn The Unexpected Loss of His Uncle

sidekick - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Just last week, this 22-year-old guy sadly lost his uncle. Apparently, his uncle was battling a terrible illness a few years ago, and his whole family rallied to make sure that his uncle was okay.

So, following the loss last week, everyone– from his immediate family to his grandparents– was completely shocked.

Still, his uncle was buried the very next day. And he was then expected to stay with his grandparents to ensure that they were as comfortable as they could be during this difficult time.

But, just a few days later, he received some incredible news. He got an acceptance letter to a medical school master’s program located in the Northwest.

And while he has been waiting to hear back from other schools, this is the only confirmed acceptance he has received to date.

“This master’s program offers an amazing linkage to a medical school, which would help me attain my dreams of becoming a medical doctor,” he said.

But, he did not realize that the program actually began in early August as opposed to early September.

So, the earlier start date does not give him a ton of time to spend with his family as they cope with the loss of his uncle.

“I come from a South Asian household, and as I am the only son and the oldest child, I have to hold the responsibility of helping my family through this process of grief,” he explained.

sidekick – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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