Her Boyfriend Said That Her Sister Is Hotter Than Her Two Different Times, And She Thinks This Has To Mean That Her Boyfriend No Longer Finds Her Attractive

ID 153375599 - © Axel Bueckert - Dreamstime.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
ID 153375599 - © Axel Bueckert - Dreamstime.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 29-year-old girl has a boyfriend who is 36, and yesterday morning, she and her boyfriend were in the car together when her sister sent a text to their family on a group chat.

Her 22-year-old sister said that some girl had made a nasty remark about her outfit. She texted her sister that the girl had to have been envious of her, and then she told her boyfriend about what was going on.

Her boyfriend chimed in and said to tell her sister that clearly her sister was looking hot, and the other girl had to be looking awful and was mad about it.

She thought this was decent advice, and she agreed with him. But as their conversation kept going, her boyfriend said something shocking.

“But then, in the course of our conversation, he said the interaction was ridiculous because my sister is the hottest out of all her siblings, including me,” she explained.

“The first time he said that I figured he wasn’t really thinking, so I just kind of called him out on it with a “Well, gee, thanks…” but then he said it AGAIN. So I just repeated it back to him and said “you seriously doubled down on saying that twice?” And he tried to laugh it off.”

She was absolutely furious and didn’t say anything to him for the remainder of their car ride. Her boyfriend picked up on the fact that she was livid, so he kept trying to say he was in love with her.

His actions proved to her that he knew he had really hurt her feelings. He never said sorry to her, though, and that just made her even angrier.

Later on, he said he was a jerk, but still, he never once apologized for saying her sister is hotter than she is…twice.

ID 153375599 – © Axel Bueckert – Dreamstime.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

She then decided to ask her boyfriend if he really wanted to get married to her. She’s been dating him for close to 9 years, and she knows he bought her an engagement ring, yet he has not proposed.

Her boyfriend insisted that he does still intend to marry her, but that didn’t help her to feel less upset. Looking back, she can’t say that her boyfriend has ever been inappropriate towards her sister, and she has never seen him flirt with other girls either.

That being said, she can’t help but feel that her boyfriend isn’t attracted to her, and that’s where all of this is coming from. He never flirts with her anymore, and she tries to put in the effort to keep the romance alive.

He even said to her when they initially met that he did not feel a spark between them, and when she expressed that she was hurt by that, he clarified that they don’t have a spark because their love is calm and stable, which is better than it being passionate.

“But I just kind of feel this creeping feeling he’s not really…attracted to me, and it hurts,” she said. “I don’t want a marriage/relationship where I’m not considered attractive, or there’s no spark.”

“That’s just a friendship. I find him attractive. I call him handsome and tell him he looks good all the time. He almost only compliments me when my feelings are already hurt. When I ask him how any outfit looks, he always says either “fine” or points out something negative. I’m sitting here questioning what I’m doing wrong.”

“I’m 5’3, 190, so a little thick with red hair, blue eyes, c cups, I think I have a nice face, thin nose, big lips, nice cheekbones, well shaped brows, freckles. Dudes still sometimes flirt with me. I’m not gorgeous, I could work out more or dress up more or put on more makeup, but I’m not a complete troll. What do y’all think I should do about this?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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