Her Mom Told Her That Her Future Husband Is Definitely Going To Cheat On Her Because She Lacks Certain Assets

halcon1 - stock.adobe.com- illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
halcon1 - stock.adobe.com- illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This 23-year-old girl says that she is super skinny, with a flat chest and no backside at all. When she was younger, she was incredibly insecure about her body, but as she’s gotten older, she has come to terms with how she looks.

She does have a boyfriend, and they have been together for the last 4 years. All throughout their relationship, her boyfriend has always been there to reassure her about her looks.

He always compliments her, and he always tells her that he finds her attractive just the way that she is.

In contrast, her 51-year-old mom is really unkind about how she looks. She believes that her mom really does project every insecurity that she has onto her by behaving the way that she does.

“Just yesterday, she told me that it’s highly likely that my future husband would leave me for someone else who actually has “assets,” she explained.

“She said that I had to eat more and implied that with that weight gain, I’ll finally have assets that will prevent my husband from cheating.”

“I didn’t take it well at all. I told her it’s not my fault if my husband fails to be loyal. I told her that I will not tolerate such disrespect from my husband.”

“Even if my husband does leave me for someone with better “assets,” I won’t be at a loss. I am happy that I don’t have to remain married to a guy who treats me [bad]. I know that it’s not my fault that my marriage failed.”

Her mom replied that she was only mentioning this for her “own good” as, apparently, her dad wanted her mom to get an augmentation.

halcon1 – stock.adobe.com- illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Her dad really was awful to not only her mom but to her as well. Her mom always just dealt with how terribly her dad treated her because her mom thought that was a wife’s role; to put up with everything.

What advice do you have for her in dealing with her mom?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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