She Recently Had A Creepy First Date And Is Feeling Uneasy About Putting Herself Back Out There Again

This 25-year-old woman recently went on her first date in over six months with a guy she met on a dating app. But while the outing started off wonderfully, she wound up leaving feeling really unsafe.
For context, she went out with a 27-year-old guy from 6:30 p.m. to 10:15 p.m. They first grabbed some boba tea before visiting a beer garden.
And when they decided to head to the beer garden, the guy offered to drive her as well.
She did not take him up on his offer, though, and just said she would meet him there. So, she drove separately, and everything seemed fine.
Upon arriving at the beer garden, the guy asked where she had parked. Still, she didn’t think anything of it, and they just proceeded to have dinner.
“We were having a really easy conversation, and it was fun. He said we should date and mentioned four different restaurants we needed to try soon,” she recalled.
“It seemed like it was going great.”
Anyway, by the end of the dinner, she offered to split the tab. But the guy refused and wanted to pay for the whole meal.
Afterward, they got up, left the restaurant, and held hands while walking through the parking lot. It was at that point that the guy asked her what time she normally goes to sleep and claimed he wanted to walk around and talk for a while longer.

Vall Rade – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
She was okay with that and decided to suggest a walking route. But, her idea was shot down since, apparently, the guy had parked his car in the other direction.
So, they proceeded to walk toward his vehicle, and once they got close, the guy wanted her to get in the car.
However, she was not feeling it and tried to tell the guy that she was just going to head home. Yet, the guy claimed that she could “trust him” and also said they would be able to “talk easier” in the car.
“In my head, I was like, bro, this date has been long. We’ve talked enough,” she revealed.
That’s why she told the guy no again and said they would talk more next time.
But rather than backing off, he just got really close to her. She then went to give him a hug goodbye, and the guy apparently started whining like a dog because she was leaving.
He proceeded to get even closer and started leaning in for what looked like a kiss. She asked if that was what he wanted, just to be sure, and when he nodded, she gave him a kiss goodbye.
Yet, the guy still would not let her leave and decided to grab her arm, pull her in, and kiss her again. She tried to say goodbye again after that, but the guy just took her arm and started tugging her in the direction of his car.
To make matters worse, he also started asking her some strange questions.
“Why? Why are you so shy? Do you not like me?” he prodded.
She reassured that guy that, yes, she liked him. She just wanted to take things slow.
Thankfully, he finally relented and pointed out how it was ultimately her decision. She agreed with that, too, before telling the guy that he had her number and that she would see him next time.
“I said those last things because I felt unsafe and just wanted him to leave me alone and stop grabbing me,” she admitted.
“I left for my car, and I still feel this dude’s hands on my arms. I’ve blocked him and reported him to the dating app.”
Her last date was six months ago, and before that, she hadn’t been on a date in ages due to the COVID-19 pandemic. So, she was really excited to get back out there, but this situation left her feeling pretty discouraged.
“I’ve never been in a long-term relationship, and sometimes I feel maybe I am too self-protective and guarded with men. But, things like this reaffirm that it’s necessary, unfortunately,” she vented.
And in the wake of this uncomfortable date, she’s seeking advice on how to feel more confident getting back out into the dating pool again.
Have you ever been on a date that left you feeling uneasy? Can you understand why she felt so uncomfortable in this creepy situation? What advice would you give her to help her feel good getting back out there again?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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