She Slept With Her Ex’s Cousin, But Now That There’s A Shot At Reconciling With Her Ex, She Isn’t Sure She Should Let Him In On This Secret - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 29-year-old girl dated her 31-year-old ex, named Sam, for 5 years. She says their relationship was excellent, and they basically never fought.

She and Sam discussed what their future would look like together, and she really envisioned marrying him and spending the remainder of her life by his side.

In the final year of their relationship, Sam’s mom got very sick, and that caused their relationship to fall apart.

Sam was constantly at his mom’s house caring for her, and he only would come back to his place one or two evenings a week.

As this was all going on, she sadly lost her best friend in a car accident, which caused her to spiral into a deep depression.

“Those were the cruelest months of my life,” she explained. “We no longer had a support system in each other, and after a few more months of loneliness in the relationship, we decided to break up since we had both mentally and emotionally checked out.”

“It was still heartbreaking, we cried together one last time, and I decided to move to another city in order to try to start fresh. That was four years ago.”

Then, 2 years ago, she needed to go to a different city for work, and it just so happens that Sam’s 31-year-old cousin named Danny lives there.

She and Danny never spent that much time together when she was dating Sam, but they did get along quite well. – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

On the final evening of her work trip, she went out to a bar and ran right into Danny. They started chit-chatting and enjoyed a few drinks together. Then, Danny clearly started hitting on her.

“One thing led to another, and I spent the night at his place. I left the day after, and we haven’t talked since,” she said.

“Fast forward to one month ago. I had an amazing job opportunity in my hometown, so I decided to move back. I don’t know how Sam found out, but a few days ago, he texted me, asking me how I was and that he heard that was back in town. It was the first time I talked to him in 4 years, and to say I was a little bit overwhelmed is an understatement. But the more we talked, the more I could see that he was still the amazing man from all those years ago.”

Sam filled her in on his mom sadly passing away, and then he mentioned he’s been seeing a therapist to help him through things. Sam also revealed to her that he had not dated a single woman since they had split up. Since that conversation with Sam, she has gone on to text him every single day.

Yesterday evening, Sam asked her if she would like to go out for coffee. He let her know that he had tried to move on and date around, but every single time he tried to do that, he got a terrible feeling that it was wrong of him.

He thinks that her moving back home is a complete and utter sign that they’re meant to be together after all.

She let Sam know that she would have to get back to him about coffee as she sorted through her schedule for the next few days.

“I don’t know how to approach the fact that I slept with his cousin,” she continued. “It was long after the breakup, but I’m scared that I destroyed this new relationship before it even started. Do I say anything about it, or can I just hope that he doesn’t find out?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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