She Went Out To A Dinner With Her Friends, And When She Said That She Didn’t Want To Split The Bill Because It Was Super Expensive, Her Friend Called Her Out In Front of Everyone For Ruining The Night

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman prefers to save money as much as she can and isn’t in the position to splurge as much as some of her friends do.

Since she is a college student and takes care of her younger sibling, she makes it a point to be smart financially.

Recently, she got invited to a birthday dinner for a friend of hers. At first, she wasn’t sure if she would be able to make it, but when she realized that she had a bit of extra money to spend, she decided to attend and celebrate with her friend.

However, she didn’t do much research on the restaurant beforehand and realized that it was a lot fancier than she had thought it would be.

She was wearing a hoodie and a pair of flip-flops, so she felt embarrassed that she was underdressed and apologized to her friend about it once she was there.

Additionally, the prices of the food were higher than she had anticipated. So, in an attempt to use her money wisely, she ordered water, salad, and a side dish while the rest of the group seemed to have no problem splurging on their meals.

“They got multiple appetizers, multiple desserts, [and] some people got multiple sides. When the check came, it was extremely expensive, and they said we were going to split it evenly,” she explained.

This came as a surprise to her, and she didn’t know how she was going to afford to pay her portion of the huge check.

She texted her friend to tell her that she wasn’t expecting this and that she had intentionally tried to keep her meal cost low so that she wouldn’t have to spend too much.

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

In the message, she asked her friend if she could kindly exclude her from splitting the check and just pay for her meal instead.

However, her friend called her out in front of the entire group, saying that not only did she show up severely underdressed, but she was also ruining the night by refusing to pay.

“She then said that she was the only one that should be expecting not to pay because it was her birthday. I then realized that she wasn’t even paying for her own meal. It was being divided among all of us,” she said.

After this whole situation, she still feels very confused by what happened. She was taught that whoever invited people out for a meal would be the one to pay or at least pay for themselves. The whole group claimed that she was cheap and impolite.

What do you think about this situation? Should she have expected that the bill was going to be split? Was it rude of her friend to call her out like that?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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