She And Her Best Friend Ran Into A Strange Man One Night When They Were Walking To A Store To Buy Ingredients To Bake Cookies, And To This Day, He Scared Them Into Never Going Out Alone At Night Again

Artem -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
Artem - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

In the summer of 2019, this 19-year-old woman and her best friend were 15, and they were having a sleepover.

Her best friend lived in a tiny village that felt safe, where all the citizens were nice and knew one another.

At 10 p.m., during their sleepover, they wanted to bake cookies because they were hungry for a late-night snack, but they didn’t have all the ingredients they needed at her best friend’s house. Because it was only a five-minute walk away, they walked to a nearby convenience store.

While walking, she and her best friend talked and laughed and didn’t have a care in the world, even though there were no streetlights on the road they were on, so it was pitch-black outside.

“On one side of the road, there was a huge church built at the end of the 1800s. It was abandoned, but they couldn’t destroy it because it was historical,” she explained.

In front of the church was a massive parking lot lit with tiny orange lights. The convenience store was on the other side of the street from the church.

“When we passed on the sidewalk in front of the church, we heard weird classical music playing. It was like a whisper. We turned our eyes to the parking lot, and there he was,” she said.

Now, they felt terrified being alone on the sidewalk at night in the cold. The street was completely deserted.

“We saw a man, really tall and disgusting. His clothes were ripped, and he looked like he hadn’t showered in months. He was dancing in the church parking lot, doing ballet dance moves to a classical song at 10 p.m. on a random summer night,” she explained.

Artem – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Understandably, she and her best friend decided to cross over to the opposite side of the street. They arrived at the convenience store, found the cookie ingredients they needed, and went to the register.

While paying, they informed the cashier of the man dancing in the church parking lot, and the cashier went to the window to take a look across the street. However, she didn’t see anyone.

After that, they were even more frightened. At the time, neither of them had a phone, so they, unfortunately, couldn’t call her best friend’s dad for a ride.

Instead of taking the main street back to her best friend’s house as they’d done on the way to the store, they decided to take a detour on another street behind the store.

This way, they hoped that they’d avoid running into the strange man. The entire way, they remained aware of their surroundings.

Just as they were nearly at the end of their journey, they saw the man dancing in front of her best friend’s house as they approached.

Obviously panicked, they immediately turned around and walked back the way they came. She started crying in fear, and her best friend said that she knew some friends from their school who lived nearby.

Once they got to their friend’s house, he didn’t believe their story of the strange man they’d seen. By this point, it was nearly 11 p.m., and he looked tired, so he was unwilling at first to walk with them back to her best friend’s house.

But when they both continued crying, he knew that they must have been telling the truth and really felt unsafe walking by themselves, and he changed his mind.

He walked them to her best friend’s house, and when they got there, the man was gone. Their friend walked them to the front door, and once inside, they told her best friend’s parents what happened.

But her best friend’s parents didn’t take them seriously at all. They laughed and told them they were being dramatic and that they must have seen something that wasn’t there, reminding them that the village they lived in was very safe.

To this day, she and her best friend have no more clarity over what happened that night, but afterward, they never went out alone at night again. They never learned who the man was or what he was doing.

Have you ever had an experience like this?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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