She Paid Her Sister $400 To Watch Her Daughter For Five Days While She Went On Vacation, But Now Her Sister Is Saying She Underpaid

strekozza77 -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
strekozza77 - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

If you’ve ever babysat kids for a sibling, did you get paid?

Whether or not you should pay your siblings to help out with childcare is a hot debate. And recently, this woman was caught in the middle of it.

“I’ve asked many people with kids how much they would pay their sibling to watch their kid, many of which said they wouldn’t pay their sibling, seeing as they’re family,” she explained.

Nonetheless, she has a 2-year-old daughter and recently needed some help with childcare while she went away on vacation for five days.

So, she asked her sister– who initially expected to be paid $1,000 for the week.

“But I told my sister no chance,” she recalled.

Instead, she got her sister to agree to $400 in compensation before she left for her trip.

Then, she left, and her sister has been sleeping at her house ever since to watch her daughter.

“My sister is staying in my house, running up my bills, and I left her with a whole fridge full of food and drinks while watching my daughter,” she said.

strekozza77 – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Yet, just one day before she was set to fly back into the country, her sister began blowing up her phone and claiming that she was seriously underpaying her. Plus, her sister said she would never watch her daughter again.

Now, this seriously shocked her– mainly because she had already watched her sister’s child on countless occasions and did not get paid anything.

Her sister is also currently unemployed, so she pays for both her sister and her sister’s kids whenever they go out– for instance, to grab lunch or dinner.

Still, with her sister so angry, she’s now wondering whether paying her sister $400 to watch her daughter for five days was really a jerky thing to do.

Do you think $400 is fair for five days of childcare? Regardless, didn’t her sister agree to that amount before she left for the vacation? Why do you think her sister felt entitled to more if she’s watched her sister’s child for free multiple times? How would you handle this situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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